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man! alkie sure does get his panties in a twist when anybody disagrees with the princess. she has got him under her thumb in a hard way! sweet!
You all are mistaking common usage for proper grammar. Your usage is not grammaticality correct.
Arpi has no friends.

I don't think we should get the head of the Columbia English Department fired over what some faggot on broadway has delusions about.
u am brite
hey! you stole that line!!
Using a subject and verb together is not grammatically correct?
Did he just say an intransitive verb is not a verb???
Laz should be detained and monitored.
this is why I fuckin' hated English class.
This thread has the word "verb" in it more times than any other thread ever, possibly ever other thread put together. Shame on you all.
I don't know who's right anymore
I rue the day any of you end a sentence with a preposition :16:
The dictionary that Laz keeps quoting is correct.

It'd be helpful if he knew how to read it.
Silera Wrote:Arpi has no friends.

I don't think we should get the head of the Columbia English Department fired over what some faggot on broadway has delusions about.
oh this is so sweet! so alkie runs to his girlfriends aid and then she fights for him. how emasculating. i figure alkie must be used to it by now though.

it is way too easy to push alkies buttons. its almost no fun at this point.
IrishAlkey Wrote:The dictionary that Laz keeps quoting is correct.

It'd be helpful if he knew how to read it.
but when I read Silera's words, it sounds right. :damnpc:
She's right.

The dictionary is right.
Goatweed Wrote:
IrishAlkey Wrote:The dictionary that Laz keeps quoting is correct.

It'd be helpful if he knew how to read it.
but when I read Silera's words, it sounds right. :damnpc:
thats the point it sounds right because it has been used that way for some time by the uneducated. according to grammar rules , it is incorrect.
so if Aruba is near South America, would an Aruban immigrant be an Aruban-American?
Arpikarhu Wrote:
Goatweed Wrote:
IrishAlkey Wrote:The dictionary that Laz keeps quoting is correct.

It'd be helpful if he knew how to read it.
but when I read Silera's words, it sounds right. :damnpc:
thats the point it sounds right because it has been used that way for some time by the uneducated. according to grammar rules , it is incorrect.
what grammar rule?
its only a verb when used as va·ca·tioned, va·ca·tion·ing, va·ca·tions. it says it right there in the dictionary. sorry silera.
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