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IrishAlkey Wrote:She's right.

The dictionary is right.
does she stand behind you with a rolling pin when you write this stuff or does she just use your account and tell you to go do the dishes? just wondering
Keyser Soze Wrote:its only a verb when used as va·ca·tioned, va·ca·tion·ing, va·ca·tions. it says it right there in the dictionary. sorry silera.
you're a moron, it is already implied that it's a verb as "vacation", they don't need to write it again. the other terms are added on afterwards.
IrishAlkey Wrote:The dictionary that Laz keeps quoting is correct.

It'd be helpful if he knew how to read it.

Well it all it boils down to is that I think I am right and you think you are right. It’s obvious that we will never agree on the point on whether it’s a verb or not. You alkey have no cause to question my intelligence, silera does because she probably holds more degrees than me.
I can understand you defending your women though.

she didn't need your help though
i went to columbia university.

i think laz is stupid.
i have to side the person with the great boobs. sorry laz.
Quote:it is already implied that it's a verb as "vacation",

no actually, its implied that it is a noun as vacation.
Quote:note ( P ) Pronunciation Key (nt)
A brief record, especially one written down to aid the memory: took notes in class.
A brief informal letter. See Synonyms at letter.
A formal written diplomatic or official communication.
A comment or an explanation, as on a passage in a text.

A piece of paper currency.
A certificate issued by a government or a bank and sometimes negotiable as money.
A promissory note.
A tone of definite pitch.
A symbol for such a tone, indicating pitch by its position on the staff and duration by its shape.
A key of an instrument, such as a piano.
The characteristic vocal sound made by a songbird or other animal: the clear note of a cardinal.
The sign of a particular quality or emotion: a note of despair; a note of gaiety in her manner. See Synonyms at sign.
Importance; consequence: Nothing of note happened.
Notice; observation: quietly took note of the scene.
Obsolete. A song, melody, or tune.

tr.v. not·ed, not·ing, notes
To observe carefully; notice. See Synonyms at see1.
To make a note of; write down: noted the time of each arrival.
To show; indicate: a reporter careful to note sources of information.
To make mention of; remark: noted the lateness of his arrival.
Laz thinks hes brighter than me.

I love it when he writes that.

Just stop.
va·ca·tion ( P ) Pronunciation Key (v-kshn, v-)
Quote:drink ( P ) Pronunciation Key (drngk)
v. drank, (drngk) drunk, (drngk) drink·ing, drinks
v. tr.

I can only get drunk, drank, be drinking or drinks!

I can't drink!
Type is a verb and a noun.
Quote:type ( P ) Pronunciation Key (tp)
A number of people or things having in common traits or characteristics that distinguish them as a group or class.
The general character or structure held in common by a number of people or things considered as a group or class.
A person or thing having the features of a group or class.
An example or a model having the ideal features of a group or class; an embodiment: “He was the perfect type of a military dandy” (Joyce Cary).
A person regarded as exemplifying a particular profession, rank, or social group: a group of executive types; a restaurant frequented by tourist types.
A figure, representation, or symbol of something to come, such as an event in the Old Testament that foreshadows another in the New Testament.

A taxonomic group, especially a genus or species, chosen as the representative example in characterizing the larger taxonomic group to which it belongs.
See holotype.
A small block of metal or wood bearing a raised letter or character on the upper end that leaves a printed impression when inked and pressed on paper.
Such pieces considered as a group.
Printed or typewritten characters; print.
A size or style of printed or typewritten characters; a typeface: a sans-serif type.
A pattern, a design, or an image impressed or stamped onto the face of a coin.

v. typed, typ·ing, types
v. tr.
To write (something) with a typewriter; typewrite.
To determine the antigenic characteristics of (a blood or tissue sample).
To typecast.
To represent or typify.
To prefigure.

v. intr.
To write with a typewriter; typewrite.

By your reasoning, type is only a verb when it is conjugated as typed, typing or types.
Keyser Soze Wrote:
Quote:it is already implied that it's a verb as "vacation",

no actually, its implied that it is a noun as vacation.
no, you see, if vacation was not a verb, it would not even be listed as a verb. the dictionary is not obligated to tell you that THIS WORD CAN BE A VERB IN THIS CIRCUMSTANCE, since there is a seperate entry for "vacationing, etc".
Keyser Soze Wrote:va·ca·tion ( P ) Pronunciation Key (v-kshn, v-)
alkey makes a compelling arguement. im switching sides. laz and arpi are morons.
your logic is faulty in that you are working under the assumption that all words in english follow the same rules. they dont. idiot
I'll use Keyser's methof of only quoting part of the entry to make a point

Quote:va·ca·tion ( P ) Pronunciation Key (v-kshn, v-)
A period of time devoted to pleasure, rest, or relaxation, especially one with pay granted to an employee.

A holiday.
A fixed period of holidays, especially one during which a school, court, or business suspends activities.
Archaic. The act or an instance of vacating.

im sorry for being so stupid. i've seen the light.
Arpi is right about dru's boobs.
he is, they're glorious.
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