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I'm just saying through all the arguments about transitive and intransitive verbs, nobody seemed to have looked it up. I'm not taking sides on this one. I recently used "thusly" in a report at work and got my ass handed to me for it. My grasp of the English language has been thwarted by casual conversation and reading on the Internet.
Well, thank you.
helping is only gonna cause more problems
the only reason there was any argument is because people don't know how to read a dictionary. end of discussion.
Quote:Posted: Jan. 29 2004,7:08 pm

Transitive versus Intransitive Verbs.
Not as difficult as some people think. A transitive verb takes a direct object: it shows action upon someone or something. Intransitive verbs take no direct object; they need only a subject to make a sentence.
Some transitive verbs: Hit (you hit something or someone; you don't just hit); climb (you don't just climb; you climb something); and bring (bring what?). Intransitive verbs: sleep (you don't sleep something; you just sleep); and fall (while you can fall down the stairs, you don't fall the stairs).
Black Lazerus (10:06:56 PM): vacation noun 1 a holiday period between terms in universities and law courts. 2 chiefly N. amer. a holiday3 the act of vacating. > verb commanly used in north marica only to take a holiday
i believe that should be the end of the discussion
where the fuck is north marica?
Laz's dictionary misspelled "commonly".
IrishAlkey (10:12:04 PM): is this why blacks are so dumb? we're selling them deffective dictionaries?
IrishAlkey (10:12:14 PM): its a plot!
Black Lazerus (10:02:51 PM): i think laz is stupid.
Quote:vacation noun 1 a holiday period between terms in universities and law courts.

I'm afraid to see what his Math book looks like.
Was this an 8 page thread about grammar?
yea, that's why the topic is titled "aruba" Rolleyes
Can you just admit you are wrong?

Your own fucking dictionary (as deficient as it may be) said it was a verb, and not just any verb but a verb that was used COMMONLY in (of all places) NORTH AMERICA where oddly enough, WE FUCKING LIVE.
So the argument from Arpi and Laz is that "vacation" is only a verb when used in its past tense form?
Silera Wrote:Can you just admit you are wrong?

Your own fucking dictionary (as deficient as it may be) said it was a verb, and not just any verb but a verb that was used COMMONLY in (of all places) NORTH AMERICA where oddly enough, WE FUCKING LIVE.
I didn't just pull and past it I was typing fast.

and no I will not admit I am wrong

I knew she would post it in this thread to bad she didn't post the last think I said to her.

Fuck all of you and I am done with this argument.
Black Lazerus (10:02:51 PM): i think laz is stupid.
Black Lazerus (10:02:54 PM): !!!
beth illyse 77 (10:03:05 PM): only in north america!
Black Lazerus (10:03:44 PM): i looked it up in the dictionary on my word pro
Black Lazerus (10:03:51 PM): i will quote it for you
beth illyse 77 (10:04:08 PM): yes please
beth illyse 77 (10:04:11 PM): i haven't read enough
Black Lazerus (10:06:56 PM): vacation noun 1 a holiday period between terms in universities and law courts. 2 chiefly N. amer. a holiday3 the act of vacating. > verb commanly used in north marica only to take a holiday
beth illyse 77 (10:11:18 PM): why would a dictionary have misspelled words?
Black Lazerus (10:13:05 PM): god damn cant someone mistype something
Black Lazerus (10:13:09 PM): fucking losers
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