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you would say that the dictionary is slanted to serve the government, or some other type of nonsense.
Antisocial Personality Disorder is chronic, beginning in adolescence
and continuing throughout adulthood. There are ten general

not learning from experience
no sense of responsibility
inability to form meaningful relationships
inability to control impulses
lack of moral sense
chronically antisocial behavior
no change in behavior after punishment
emotional immaturity
lack of guilt
Quote:not learning from experience Wrong
no sense of responsibility Wrong
inability to form meaningful relationships Wrong
inability to control impulses Wrong, if I didn't there would be a shit load of bodies around.
lack of moral sense Murder is wrong, self defense is perfectly OK
chronically antisocial behavior Fuck off
no change in behavior after punishment Wrong
emotional immaturity Wrong
lack of guilt Who cares?
self-centeredness Wrong
See, I look at a person's need to own a bunch of guns not as a sign that they're a psycho or a sociopath or anything.

I just see it more like they are weak who are so afraid of everything that they only feel safe with all these guns.

That's why I asked if he had a bunch of guns so he could display them kind of like a decoration or art. I can understand people who have gun collections becuase they think they are cool or pretty or whatever. It's like people that like having car collections or shit like that. You don't need to have 6 cars, but they like cars, and like to clean them and fix them up and display them. Same kind of thing for people who like to have a gun collection. That I understand.

But people who have all these guns, and bombs, and rocket launchers or whatever stored away in a safe as preparation for some impending doom of a rogue Malcolm McDowell gang (yes, I got the reference Jays) or other cataclysmic disaster is just so pitiful
I enjoy shooting and the sense of self preservation should anything happen.

Look at the stores that survived the LA Riots after the Rodney King verdict. Korean store owners on their roofs with AR-15's keeping back the crowd while the cops sat behind barriers and let people fend for themselves. Whole business were burned to the ground. I believe that what I have is worth protecting by any means necessary.

You're entitled to your opinion and view about the way you see it, as am I.

To each his own.
i think their point is you don't need a full arsenal to do that
They have no valid point.

If you believe in private property rights, then it's nobody's business how many or what you own. After all, it is one of the foundations of liberty.
I'm against gun control for a number of reasons. Gun control is worthless in North America - too many guns are currently on the street. It would take perhaps 50 years of Byzantine police efforts to reduce the number of guns available on the black market by an appreciable quantity.

Japan has strict gun control and it works fine for them; they're an island and thus sufficiently isolated to prevent mass smuggling efforts. Trying to control firearms in America is akin to trying to prevent the flow of illicit narcotics - a big waste of time against an insurmountable opponent.

Also, guns in the hands of private citizens are our last line of defense against foreign invasion or government tyranny. I know we're not going to be invaded anytime in the forseeable future, and as much as I distrust the government I don't think we'll see gestapo-like tactics used anytime soon. That's not really the point though. Nobody knows what the future will bring, what will happen in 50 years or 200 years.

I also think proper gun use and safety should be stressed from an early age. So many people die needlessly because some asshole with a god complex will get his hand on a gun and, not having any training, doesn't seem to grasp the concept that it's not a toy, it's a deadly fucking weapon. Part of this comes from the mixed message in our culture where kids are told in school and by parents that guns are an awful terrible thing, but in the movies they see that the guys with the guns are the badass motherfuckers, at the top of the food chain. In the early days of this country, and really up through the last century, kids learned at a young age that guns are part of life, and were taught how to shoot, to clean and care for weapons and be a responsible gun owner. I think going back to that line of thought would be more productive than making law after law in a futile effort to disarm the masses.

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.
i agree with sir o, i just think mad is a wackjob gun nut.
To each his own.

I have my principles and I refuse to compromise on them.

If that makes me a wackjob gun nut, then so be it.
If you own and carry a gun, If you aren't willing to hand someone your gun and ask someone you are arguing with outside for a fist fight. You ain't a man, you are just a boy who thinks he can fix all of his problems with out any pain or sacrifice.
Where do you even get the idea that I go around getting into fist fights with people over something as stupid as someone giving me "looks"?

Violence usually only brings more violence. I don't start shit with anyone, but I'm smart enough to know whats right and whats wrong. If I see something wrong, I'm not going to sit there and do nothing.

It's called self control, maybe you should look into it.
someone would hit Mad before he could grab his gun, then Mad would pull a drive by on him the next day.
Quote:Where do you even get the idea that I go around getting into fist fights with people over something as stupid as someone giving me "looks"?
I never said you do this, Your Reading comprehension skills are terrible.

Quote:Violence usually only brings more violence. I don't start shit with anyone, but I'm smart enough to know whats right and whats wrong. If I see something wrong, I'm not going to sit there and do nothing.

The point is you don't need a gun to correct things, just some kind of manliness.

Quote:It's called self control, maybe you should look into it.

I do have self control I didn't start the fight that I posted, I didn't even throw the first punch. I did however finish it.
You people act like I go around armed to the teeth all the fucking time. Why are you all so obsessed with how I conduct myself in public?

I have been in fights before, been punched in that face more then enough to know what it feels like. Still the only thing that has ever knocked me the fuck out, was a fucking speeding car coming at me head on.
oh, by the way, the 2nd ammendment does not mean you get to carry a gun. It means you can take up arms against your oppressors. (remember the time that it was made). It has been mis-used and spun ever since so that some people can feel some sort of empowerment by owning a weapon to compensate for an inferiority complex.
Gooch Wrote:oh, by the way, the 2nd ammendment does not mean you get to carry a gun. It means you can take up arms against your oppressors. (remember the time that it was made). It has been mis-used and spun ever since so that some people can feel some sort of empowerment by owning a weapon to compensate for an inferiority complex.
The Six Things Americans Should Know

Stop stuffing your face with moon pies and read it. Maybe you'll learn something instead of spewing some rehashed liberal lies.
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