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As I have repeatedly said; To each his own.

What's right for me, may not be right for you. However, I refuse to depend on 911 to "save" me.
Mad Wrote:As I have repeatedly said; To each his own.

What's right for me, may not be right for you.
So then, can I assume you support abortion, gay marriage, legalization of drugs and prostitution?
Quote:So then, can I assume you support abortion, gay marriage, legalization of drugs and prostitution?

I can't have an abortion and while I don't necessarily think it's always the right thing to do, I can not judge everyones situation, just my own. It is sometimes the better option then having a child who is not wanted or loved.

I don't support organized religion, but if two people want to commit to each other that's their problem, not mine.

Drugs, were legal in the early part of the country and yes, there was lot's of "quacks". We do not need Federal Bureaucrats telling us what we can do to ourselves.

Prostitution, if you want to pay for it, that's your problem, not mine.
Mad Wrote:However, I refuse to depend on 911 to "save" me.
Maybe the Fayth can save you?
I believe a giant dome should be erected over the entire lenght and width of the United States. Once this dome is built, no one can get in and no one get out.

After the dome is built, every man, woman and child is given a handgun with 15 bullets. No more, no less.

Then the fun starts. The sole winner gets to move to Canada or something.
MAD just pulled a gun and shot three rounds at the two kids in your sig pic
We don't want your forgiveness. We won't make excuses. We're not gonna blame you, even if you are an accessory... But we will not except your natural order. We didn't come for absolution, we didn't ask to be redeemed. But isn't how it is, every goddamn time... Your prayers are always answered, in the order they're received...
Gooch Wrote:MAD just pulled a gun and shot three rounds at the two kids in your sig pic
Unlike some people, I don't believe in the right to murder other's, regardless of their skin color or race.

Defense of one's self or other's, is the only time I feel it is right.
why is it that america is the only country that seems to have a problem with gun violence?
because of idiots like Mad
I believe in the Faith... that can save me.
I believe in the hope and I pray...
That someday it may raise me... above these badlands

BANG!!!! BANG!!!!!!! BANG!!!!!!
gooch has such an obsession its unhealthy.
i was so much fatter then.
Study Uncovers Life Cycle Patterns of Guns Used in Crimes

From what I've read, it's mostly gang/criminal activity (about 50%) and suicides (50%).

The problem isn't guns in it themselves, they're harmless objects.

It's the person behind it and their intent. Add the media focus; "If it bleeds, it leads" type of story's and you have a "manufactured" problem.

Guns are like 5th or 6th out leading causes of death. Don't believe the hype.
"The National Rifle Association says that, 'Guns don't kill people, people do.' But I think, I think the gun helps. You know? I just think just standing there going, "Bang!" That's not going to kill too many people, is it? You'd have to be really dodgy on the heart to have that."

- Eddie Izzard, Dressed To Kill
i dont remember eddie izzard, was that one of mavric's screen names?
he dates that red-headed gal.
Did he fuck her? I heard red heads are easy.
You know Christain Slater could have sealed the deal with that redhead.
They could have tag teamed her!
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