Full Version: Grumpy Gillis
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Seph has tits.
Galt has them.
you mean Gills
you're all a bunch of dumb mexicans
Galt Wrote:If it's the Lush/Dru thing, then you are seriously reaching man.
we both got a pretty good laugh out of that
i would like to reach for your boobies
you really don't have to reach that far
what does that mean?
Ah hah! So Toronto Hottie was actually Strawberry. That makes so much sense.
no they are not the same people
I'm still convinced I'm the only person on the internet and everyone else is the the same person playing games with my sanity.
damn, you figured me out!
What if all the different personalities are you.
I was wondering why all this white foam keeps pouring down my jaw.
I am actually dig.
You must rethink EVERYTHING now Galty.
DIG would never use the world "galty"
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