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You never said you hated hottie and I never said I hate strawberry.
posting goes up when you post cause you post interesting stories about REAL LIFE, just like I said.

REAL LIFE is not shock posting. i've had 2 threads you could construe as shock posting in my time here, i'd hardly say im a 'shock poster'

deserve what? i posted her picture. people posted their reaction. what i love about a bunch of you is that you'll do things like that to a small audience but would never have the balls to post it to the entire board.

i'll repeat what i said earlier. if you get upset about what a bunch of people on a message board have to say about you, then maybe you need to reassess your life.
Keyser Soze Wrote:posting goes up when you post cause you post interesting stories about REAL LIFE, just like I said.

REAL LIFE is not shock posting. i've had 2 threads you could construe as shock posting in my time here, i'd hardly say im a 'shock poster'

deserve what? i posted her picture. people posted their reaction. what i love about a bunch of you is that you'll do things like that to a small audience but would never have the balls to post it to the entire board.

i'll repeat what i said earlier. if you get upset about what a bunch of people on a message board have to say about you, then maybe you need to reassess your life.
Is that twice today youve recommended a life re-evaluation?
Keyser Soze Wrote:posting goes up when you post cause you post interesting stories about REAL LIFE, just like I said.

REAL LIFE is not shock posting. i've had 2 threads you could construe as shock posting in my time here, i'd hardly say im a 'shock poster'

deserve what? i posted her picture. people posted their reaction. what i love about a bunch of you is that you'll do things like that to a small audience but would never have the balls to post it to the entire board.

i'll repeat what i said earlier. if you get upset about what a bunch of people on a message board have to say about you, then maybe you need to reassess your life.
Granted, I post about real life.. but the keyword is that I post about my life.

If I posted the story of the cable installer trying to assault my mom, then I deserve whatever jokes come out of it and I personally like you said don't give a fuck cause I know its all in good fun. Plus what should I give a fuck about you or someone sayin something about me that barely knows me and will never meet my mom, unless they become cable installers.

But some people arent like you or me and they want to keep their shit private and their wishes should be respected especially if its someone who never hurt anyone and who never made a fuss over themselves.

I could understand if she was a cunt and always made herself come off as being some fuckin drop dead sexy chick.

For example if you found out that Splatt actually had a GED and never even made it to college, then you post the proof and we all laugh.

This I just didnt agree with, I just have lines I dont cross.
GonzoStyle Wrote:You never said you hated hottie and I never said I hate strawberry.
What possible reason should I hate hottie... she is an idiot and she's frustrating to deal with.

Strawberry is a cunt and not even in the same category
Damn it, I cant derail Gonzo, hes a rock..
eh I made my point and opinion known, I hold no ill feelings towards anyone here at all, keyser knows I go to bat for him if anything and thats not gonna change but a friendly debate is sometimes a good thing.

I think its better to let your feelings out in the open than just fester them and then make assumptions, I see his side and I hope he sees my side and thats all.

Differences can be resolves, disagreements can be resolved but a slight an imaginary hurt, that motherfucker gonna hate you till the day he dies.
Thats why I hate everyone. Makes it easier.
Back to the subject at hand.

This motherfucker seph comes over my house, eats my pizza and borrows my dvd like a year ago and still hasnt returned it.

what kinda shit is that?

I guess living next to tequila changes people.
A rock I say.
He had 4 fuckin slices and ate all the peperoni slices to boot!!!
I don't believe you let 4 slices of anything get way from you.
at least it wasnt your spiderman DVD
My life is mockproof.
[no posting due to lack of inside information]
check the CDIH archives, theres plenty
Galt Wrote:My life is mockproof.
you should unplug your computer when you are drunk..... and that is all I'm going to say.
Black Lazerus Wrote:I don't believe you let 4 slices of anything get way from you.
You're gonna get a pinch when I see you!!!
drunken posting is the best. It's better than drunken dialing. At least I'll never meet you fools.
Galt Wrote:drunken posting is the best. It's better than drunken dialing. At least I'll never meet you fools.
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