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I had that shit for like 4 months tops.
[Image: CHAIR.jpg] (screen.width/2)){this.width = (this.width/2)}" onclick="javascript:if(this.width > (screen.width/2)){this.width = (this.width/2)} else {this.width = (this.width*2)}" border="0" alt='Posted image: Click to resize'>
[Image: milk-dud_small.jpg] (screen.width/2)){this.width = (this.width/2)}" onclick="javascript:if(this.width > (screen.width/2)){this.width = (this.width/2)} else {this.width = (this.width*2)}" border="0" alt='Posted image: Click to resize'>

Time to have a seat. This could get good.
4 months? 4 MONTHS!?!?

You had it for a fucking year you stupid kike. Here I am, Banned from, Banned from CDIH, and you have my American History X DVD at your crib. Shit, why did you even like that movie, becoming a self-hating jew? Want Edward Norton to curbstomp you into a brick oven?

edit- PS: plz get on AIM.

Edited By AbeSapien on 1086150688
why were u banned from here?
Will u stop talking like u r in an aol chat room?
AbeSapien Wrote:4 months? 4 MONTHS!?!?

You had it for a fucking year you stupid kike. Here I am, Banned from, Banned from CDIH, and you have my American History X DVD at your crib. Shit, why did you even like that movie, becoming a self-hating jew? Want Edward Norton to curbstomp you into a brick oven?

edit- PS: plz get on AIM.
banned? ha!!!

If your definition of banned is quitting like a bitch both times you got modded cause you couldn't hack it, then ok.

4 months, tops!!!!

I gotta take a shit first, then i'll get on aim you fuckin pasty faced friendless virgin mick, who lives next door to tequila..
can we see this in chat?
dude, you live next to Tequila? wow.
Right next to the legendary tequila, I think some of his posting style has rubbed off on seph judging from his posts today.
GonzoStyle Wrote:banned? ha!!!

If your definition of banned is quitting like a bitch both times you got modded cause you couldn't hack it, then ok.

4 months, tops!!!!

I gotta take a shit first, then i'll get on aim you fuckin pasty faced friendless virgin mick, who lives next door to tequila..
Say what you want about me, but you are crossing the fucking line when you remind me that I live next door to Tequila. You're fucking dead to me.
I wish I could touch you right now.
If I lived next to tequila i'd be wishing death upon myself instead of others.
[Image: ohsnap1.gif] (screen.width/2)){this.width = (this.width/2)}" onclick="javascript:if(this.width > (screen.width/2)){this.width = (this.width/2)} else {this.width = (this.width*2)}" border="0" alt='Posted image: Click to resize'>
This thread just got so much better
GonzoStyle Wrote:If I lived next to tequila i'd be wishing death upon myself instead of others.
...but your lawn would be immaculate.
Quote:ZombiePyre: you jew bastard
ZombiePyre: oh, and hey
ZippyAidsFace: 4 months!!!
ZippyAidsFace: TOPS
ZippyAidsFace: hey
ZombiePyre: if you want to be really funny, you can try to convince everyone that you took over my Seph account, and I never came back
ZippyAidsFace: I don't need pointers from a quitter on how to be funny
ZippyAidsFace: especially a quitter than lives next to tequiza
ZippyAidsFace: where's my dvd mick!!!!
ZombiePyre: you know, I could very easily go next door and convince him to start posting again
ZombiePyre: THEN WHAT, HUH?
ZippyAidsFace: did you sell it for a SA membership renewal?
ZippyAidsFace: First off you wouldnt dare go to his house, secondly you wouldnt make it past the 37 family members he has living on the 1st floor
ZombiePyre: maybe I did. That way, I could post on a REAL MESSAGEBOARD
ZippyAidsFace: yeah with the rest of the pimply faced virgin geeks
ZippyAidsFace: discussing your comic book collections and fighting over who will dress up as which star wars character when you get on line 8 months in advance for episode 3
ZombiePyre: in all honesty, I probably wont be posting anymore under either account, so you can ban them both if you want
ZippyAidsFace: I cant be bothered cause I cant keep track of your retirements and comebacks, you're giving KISS a run of the money.
ZippyAidsFace: admit it though, you were the fat kid in that MPEG pretending to be a jedi.
ZippyAidsFace: when I first saw it I said "thats seph"
ZombiePyre: wait a second, are you really pissed off about this whole thing?
ZombiePyre: oh, okay. Just making sure
when do you both end up at Suzie's apartment
Gooch Wrote:when do you both end up at Suzie's apartment
when galt is really grumpy gills.
i must say, im enjoying the board much more these past few days.
Quote:ZombiePyre: if you're gonna post our AIM convo's, you could at least gay it up a bit
ZippyAidsFace: it cant get any gayer
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