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The Killers shouldn't get anything

A.) Because they suck.


B.) Because they think they're somehow as good as if not better than New Order.
Danked Wrote:
Goatweed Wrote:Bjork & Morrisey? are you kidding me???
The new Bjork album was fantastic.

having not heard it, you might be right. But based on what I have heard her do in the past, I think I can safely say that, in this case, what you call fantastic I would call garbage.

She reminds me of Yoko - thats NEVER a good thing.

90% of new music sucks my ass anyway. Its just a twist on something thats already been done.
Here are the ones I've heard at least some of, and comments

48. Comets on Fire – Blue Cathedral (14) - Pretty rockin but not really my thing, loud, harsh psych-rock
43. Joanna Newsom – The Milk-Eyed Mender (16) - Heard one song, folksy, weird voice, eh
42. Dungen – Ta Det Lugnt (16) - Really good melodic pop, catchy hooks
40. The Futureheads – s/t (17) - I've had this downloaded and heard a song but forgot what it sounds like
38. Devendra Banhart – Nino Rojo (18) - Heard one song and liked it but haven't checked out the rest. folksy stuff
37. Scissor Sisters – s/t (18) - Gay
28. The Killers – Hot Fuss (27) - A few tracks on this are really catchy and great, a few are absolutely horrible. up and down album
25. Animal Collective – Sung Tongs (29) - boring ass indie rock
22. The Shins – Chutes Too Narrow (47) - heard a few songs. catchy, nothing special.
19. Green Day – American Idiot (50) - Very good, some epic tracks
16. U2 – How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb (55) - Liked the songs that I heard, need to check out the rest
12. Modest Mouse – Good News for People Who Love Bad News (75) - I dug this album at first but some of the songs got annoying after a while. Their earlier stuff is a lot better
11. TV on the Radio – Desperate Youth, Bloodthirsty Babes (77) - Boring shitty shit shit
6. The Arcade Fire – Funeral (110) - Awesome male/female vocals, pretty instrumentals, solid all around album
5. Wilco – A Ghost is Born (113) - Meh
1. Franz Ferdinand – s/t (336) - Dug a few of the songs a lot, good guitar sound (Gang of Four-ish)
i have a feeling everything up there would put me to sleep.
Goatweed Wrote:
Danked Wrote:
Goatweed Wrote:Bjork & Morrisey? are you kidding me???
The new Bjork album was fantastic.

having not heard it, you might be right. But based on what I have heard her do in the past, I think I can safely say that, in this case, what you call fantastic I would call garbage.

She reminds me of Yoko - thats NEVER a good thing.

I could say the same thing about Yes, Rush, Satriani, Vai, and Dream Theater. They make music so self consciously technical its devoid of any feeling or soul and therefore is garbage.

But music is totally subjective, what is garbage to one person is genius to someone else. I think discussing the merits of one band or another is utterly useless because all that matters is if the music sounds good to you.
Rooner Wrote:90% of new music sucks my ass anyway. Its just a twist on something thats already been done.
that pretty much describes any music that has come out in the past 30 years.
Wait, is Danger Mouse's Grey Album the Jay-Z/Beatles mix?

That album was fucking great. Way better than the Jay-Z version.

December 4th and Public Service Announcement are so awesome on the Gray Album version. 99 problems was a better version too, but that song wasn't that good anyway

Edited By Galt on 1106251083
Keyser Soze Wrote:
Rooner Wrote:90% of new music sucks my ass anyway. Its just a twist on something thats already been done.
that pretty much describes any music that has come out in the past 30 years.
I'm telling you, there was a cosmic shift in the early 70s, where before the vast majority of movies sucked, but music was great. After that, movies were great, songs sucked.

It can't be a coincidence.
blah blah new music sucks blah romanticizing the past yadda yadda
Keyser Soze Wrote:I could say the same thing about Yes, Rush, Satriani, Vai, and Dream Theater. They make music so self consciously technical its devoid of any feeling or soul and therefore is garbage.

But music is totally subjective, what is garbage to one person is genius to someone else. I think discussing the merits of one band or another is utterly useless because all that matters is if the music sounds good to you.
if that is truly your opinion, you most certainly could say that - I would disagree, of course - but you're right - it's all subjective. I wouldn't go so far as to say their music is so technical is has no feeling, because they're not Techno/club music bands.
Galt Wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote:
Rooner Wrote:90% of new music sucks my ass anyway. Its just a twist on something thats already been done.
that pretty much describes any music that has come out in the past 30 years.
I'm telling you, there was a cosmic shift in the early 70s, where before the vast majority of movies sucked, but music was great. After that, movies were great, songs sucked.

It can't be a coincidence.
I watched Dr Strangelove yesterday, what an amazing movie, too bad you can't watch it.
I watched the original of Ocean's 11. It made me realize that my high school plays had better actors.
so you are basing old movie acting on the rat pack??
yea watch Dr. Strangelove and tell me Peter Sellers and George C. Scott were bad in it
so what iTunes radio station should I listen to for the new good music? I usually listen to Virgin UK or Radio Wazee. Neither one of them have anything spectacular.

It's a Wonderful Life had shitty acting too.
Keyser Soze Wrote:
Rooner Wrote:90% of new music sucks my ass anyway. Its just a twist on something thats already been done.
that pretty much describes any music that has come out in the past 30 years.
Not true. Hip Hop was great and innovative until about 97 or 98.
hip hop was still derivative of jazz and blues.

pretty much all music is derivative of something. you can link anything back to some roots. artists dont care, its a homage. all artists are influenced by the artists they grew up listening to, the combination of all those influences creates todays new music and people complain that its just a new version of the old stuff.
Galt Wrote:so what iTunes radio station should I listen to for the new good music? I usually listen to Virgin UK or Radio Wazee. Neither one of them have anything spectacular.

It's a Wonderful Life had shitty acting too.
30 years from now some guys gonna be on saying how movies from the 90's and 00's sucked because they saw some J Lo films.
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