Full Version: The Definitive 2004 Best Album List
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You're so right. I mean, I just can't live without sweet dreams of rhythm and dancing.

And I feel like less of a person because I haven't listened to 27 of the 50 albums that Greg says are terrific.

Edited By The Jays on 1106351661
Amon Tobin is the shizznit, yo
sonic diarrhea
through the niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!!!!
At least I'm not the one who started the American Idol thread this year!
and in the wrong forum too!
my reputation is tarnished
like Slash
I figured since it was #1 I should check out the Franz Ferdinand album. Eh, there's 3 or 4 decent songs but overall its the same retro bullshit that the strokes and others have been doing, it's pretenious european sounding whiney bullshit. It's tolerable when Radiohead does it because they are talented and original and no as much derivative. This album sounded like something the stones woulda put out in the early 80's.
iTunes music store makes it really easy to find songs to download. You can pull up the 100 most downloaded songs. The Billboard lists, play stations from pretty much every major radio station in the country, when you click on an artist, it has the most downloaded songs by that artist. It's great.

You list for 30 seconds, keep limewire open and just download 'em boom, quick.
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