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all I know is what movies they show on TV. If they showed Citizen Kane or Dr. Strangelove or any of those movies that I'm sure I'll hate and watch with a predisposition to thinking they are shitty and therefore won't be able to impartial, I'd be happy to watch them, and give my honest feedback.
go get strangelove, seriously.
make them put it on TV. I haven't been in a Blockbuster in at least 3 years.
Rooner Wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote:
Rooner Wrote:90% of new music sucks my ass anyway. Its just a twist on something thats already been done.
that pretty much describes any music that has come out in the past 30 years.
Not true. Hip Hop was great and innovative until about 97 or 98.
Yeah, but music now a days is almost blatant rip offs of old stuff. I dont mind you showing who influenced you, but at least try to be a little more original.
It's nothing but devil music popularized by them niggers
when you start complaning about todays music, its a sure sign you are too old to understand it.
yes, because it's so deep, with its triple meanings and such.
your father said the same thing to his father 30+ years ago
Im not complaining, just stating theres nothing that tickles my fancy nowadays.
I complain when i find out that these popstars get kudos for music they had written for them, and they don't even perform said music live most of the time. It's a sham.
thats not a new trend or concept
Maybe not, but it doesn't make it right either. The fact that it's become accepted practice is disgraceful.
Goatweed Wrote:I complain when i find out that these popstars get kudos for music they had written for them, and they don't even perform said music live most of the time. It's a sham.
this is relevant in a thread about 50 albums where this doesn't occur
I veered off track - sorry!

Bjork still sucks.
Keyser Soze Wrote:your father said the same thing to his father 30+ years ago
My father's father was dead 30 years ago. And my father liked the worst fucking music ever. During the heydey of the Beatles and Stones, he had Sergio Garcia and John Denver albums.
I thought Sergio Garcia was a golfer.
Galt Wrote:make them put it on TV. I haven't been in a Blockbuster in at least 3 years.
Dr. Strangelove is playing on a channel somewhere right now. Order a fucking dish and watch some movies.
jays is indifferent about this year in music because la bouche didnt release anything
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