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Full Version: Slap the Person Above You . . . (con't)
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Why don't we both slap Queenie, I'm sure she would enjoy a double slap.
slaps mad dog for not playing by the rules Wink
Slaps Queenie cause its Happy V Thursday! \U/ *bleblebleble*
slaps 0rz and shoots a happy V thursday back at her!! \U/
Slaps Queenie and Orz because you 2 girls just want to have fun...
slaps p because it's Monday and I need to slap somebody today
Slaps Q because that's what I am here for...always
slaps plunger for just being there available to slap
Slaps zdunk because he's on her ThinkFast team and it's gonna be awesome-sauce!
Slaps Orz for saying awesome-sauce
slaps p because he has cricket droppings . . . :wtf:
slaps queenie because it has been too long since I slapped her
slaps z cause that's what i'm talkin 'bout!!
slaps queenie cause she doesn't have a group coming up here for the Thinkfast gameshow...
slaps z because I guess I could see if Brytn and Janna want to come. Our fourth member became a beach bum . . .
slaps Queenie cause mad dog wants in anyway...so you have a 4th
slaps z because he hasn't sent me the airline tickets for our trip to GR yet
Slaps Q cause she's a big girl and buy her own damn tickets to get her ass up here.
slaps 0rz cause are you saying i have a big ass??
Slaps Q cause I've seen her ass, and that's not the thing that's big on her....

[Image: vince-vaughn-motorboat.gif]
slaps 0rz because now everybody is going to know what really happened in Springfield
slaps orz to break up the girl on girl action a little bit
slaps z because i'm so tickled he's on during the day!!!
Slaps Q to get back to the girl on girl action
slaps 0rz to make it even more exciting
Slaps Q because [spoiler=]I don't need a reason![/spoiler]
slaps 0rz because you can have your hand right there with your leg right here :wtf:
Slaps Q because that's not what we practiced.
slaps 0rz because i don't remember your b00bs getting in the way
Slaps Q cause you wouldn't remember a lot of that night.
slaps 0rz because I got it on film . . . I don't have to remember
slaps queenie cause the video hasn't been leaked on youtube yet... :thumbdown:
slaps z because we don't want just anybody watching it. I'll email it to you though Wink
slaps queenie...whoohoo! :lol:
slaps z because he's getting a little too excited
Slaps Q for offering the tape to Z without my permission.
slaps 0rz because you said I could send it to anyone who expressed a geniune interest in it
Slaps q for not sharing the couch
slaps p cause it's Monday and I have a 3 day work week!!
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