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Irritated Vent...
I was speaking to a friend of mine and was just informed that she is no longer going to have insurance for her and her husband and her three kids through her job. She is going to have to cut out some necessary prescriptions for her children now.... I hate how our entire country is ran by big business. I cannot stand the fact that normal, hard working people who strain their asses off every day to make a dollar can't even get adequate medical care in this country. If we are so 'big' and 'strong' here in the usa, why is it that many of our people can't even get the medical attention needed. It is the same idea as with oil, the government is getting too much money from the insurance agencies as well as the oil industry to step in and take action so that every person in this country has a fair shot at insurance. We went for YEARS without insurance... Finally my husband has a job where we have it, but it comes with a co-pay. I also heard that co-pays have been rising, and insurance agencies are covering less and less... And speaking of oil, it took me a long time to realize what was really causing the rise in prices. Everywhere you look there is another theory or excuse for the rise in gas prices, but really when it all comes down to it, it all has to do with the fact that the government wont step in to regulate the price of fuel because the higher and higher it gets in the stock market, the more and more money they make... and who suffers? Us... the people who pull this country together and actually work daily to make ends meet. How fair is that? People losing their jobs everywhere you look, the prices of not only gas, but groceries and goods are skyrocketing. Not just that, I don't know if anyone else has noticed but my gas/water/electric has more than doubled in the past 5 years....... and why? All because some selfish pig of a person who doesn't give two shits about anything but the money coming into his pocket doesn't want to give the average person a break... What a disgusting trend here in the usa....

sorry for my rant...

PS) It still pisses me off more than anything that congress can vote for their own raises... GAH!!!!!!!!

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