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U.S. Soliders Do Not (Always) Protect Our Freedom
Mad Dog Wrote:Sorry Fistor, I've read alot of your posts and you seem too be pretty cool but in this case I disagree. If every radical militant Muslim were too commit suicide in two minutes guess what? There would be NO MORE radical militant Muslims left too strap on suicide bombs, set up IED's or too hijack jet liners etc etc etc too do innocent people harm. If they would like to commit suicide at the business end of an M16 or Abrams tank well bully for them. I've got a better idea. why don't they all just go home, take care of their family's and quit trying too destroy our soldiers and WE ALL would be better off.

Because they want to be martyred and take out as many members of the "Great Satan" as they possibly can. We can't just annihilate every radical muslim - they don't run around with signs on their heads distiguishing themselves from the rest of Islam. What you are proposing is perpetual war, at the cost of trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of American lives. You may be gung-ho for that, but I am not. Because there would never be an end to it.

Mad Dog Wrote:Oh and as far as 9/11 having nothing too do with Iraq well sorry again. Don't you remember that just after U.S. forces pushed past Bag-dad that they uncovered and shut down dozens of terrorist training camps and in at least one or more of Saddam's Palaces were murals of the World trade center. Hummmmm I wonder why those were there. 1+1=2 I'm convinced that Saddam probably partied hard for weeks on the news that terrorists were successful in making a blow against the "Great Satan". Sorry Fistor, we'll have to agree to disagree on this one

The pilots of the planes were Saudi, not Iraqi. The mastermind of the operation was Osama Bin Laden, not Saddam Hussein. We went to war fueled by our passion to avenge 9/11, and ended up fighting a completely different war, thanks mostly to Bush's tireless effort to tie 9/11 to Iraq.

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