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Books and junk
Back about 10 years or so ago, I was in my turbo charged Rah Rah Jesus phase. and I loved Frank Peretti. The Oath is still one of my fave books to this day.

Currently I am re-reading IT by Stephen King.

I just finished Time Spike by Eric Flint, where a modern day maximum security prison is sent back in time, along with a group of American Indians, and a group of Conquistadors, to the Cretacous period.

I really like alternate history specifically when it has a fantasy element to it. Specifially authors like Harry Turtledove, and really especially S.M. Stirling

Here's a few faves:

The guns of the South, where terrorists from the year 2020 travel back to the 1860s during the American Civil war and give the south thousands of AK 47s

Dies The Fire: What if, suddently everything electronic, mechanical, and high energy quit working ? Cars, guns, batteries, phones etc.

good stuff homey
Wowie Groovie !

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