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A question for those who get the podcast
I used to be only a day behind with podcasts, but in mid-August I fell behind, then I couldn't get the damn podcasts to download, so I'm about a week and a half behind now.

I pay monthly and there was only one time where Dean took longer than a two days to e-mail me the newest link. Only once has my subscription run out on me and I was able to get caught up with the new link since they remain available for a week (although I wish the podcasts went back a few more days than that).

I like being able to back up and hear what I missed, or pause it at work, and I listen to it in the car on the way home from work this way. Since the building I work in has the crappiest radio reception ever, the only way I can hear the show during the workday is through podcasts, because I can't hear much more than static when I try to listen live.

Like ashleykme said, the only downside is not being able to participate. If I'm only a day behind, I might be able to e-mail something in, but where I am now, just like with that Uncle Pullfinger thing, I heard only bits and pieces live and didn't get to e-mail Uncle Pullfinger when he was still relevant (who ever thought I'd say those two things together in a sentence?).

On a slight tangent, having Uncle Pullfinger's Who Cut the Cheese stuck in my head is so much better than having Little Markie stuck in my head, but I'm not sure where it falls on the scale compared to Tiny Tim's Santa has AIDS song.

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