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First Female Republican V.P. Candidate
Party loyalty is ridiculous. When Kennedy was president he stated that we would do every possible thing we can to get a man on the moon....and we did....with less computer technology than the power of my cell phone.

We could do the same as far as giving up dependency on foreign oil. However, neither party wants to do everything we can. Democrats say they will do a little bit here and republicans say they will do a little bit there....yet no one will bite the bullet and do what needs to be done because they will piss off certain groups. We could increase drilling, and increase nuclear power and increase regulations on vehicles all at the same time and free ourselves from dependency on foreign oil, but that would piss off certain groups and screw up party loyalty and contributions. Lobbyists should not be allowed in the U.S. govt. We are not really a democracy if we don't do in govt. what the people really want, but rather do what will support party contributors. The only one who has balls is Nader, but he just cant win and only Effs up elections. I live for the day both parties fall and people decide for themselves.

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