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John McCain Looks Younger In Person
lovegrenade Wrote:
Admin Wrote:Incorrect. Wyoming is the least populated state in the union.

Vermont has less people than Alaska. You know who hails from Vermont? Howard Dean who was very nearly the (D) candidate in 2004. Funny, I don't remember it being an issue then.

Howard Dean was also Governor for 10 years, not two. Before that he was a Leiutenant Governor. Before that he was a State Representative. Before that he was a Doctor. Before that he received a degree in Political Science from Yale.

Sarah Palin was Governor of Alaska for 2 years, and before that she was the mayor of a town of 9000 people. Before that she was on the City Council. Before that she was a sports newscaster. Before that she went to 6 different colleges before finally getting a prestigious degree in Journalism/Communications. This shows just how much McSame cares about "experience". This was complete political bs.

Maybe the lack of political ties will lessen the loyalties that corrupt politicians. Some polititians have been swimming in the stew so long they are making it rancid, maybe someone fresh and new will liven up the place and actually get stuff done. I still don't know who I am voting for, but its nice to have candidates worth looking into for once.

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