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First Female Republican V.P. Candidate
hotzester Wrote:Does anyone have any substantive disagreements with her positions, or do you not like the VICE-presidential candidate simply because she speaks with an accent?

Speaking of the accent, does she remind anyone else of the mom from Bobby's World? The accent is annoying, but that's definitely not why I don't like her. Her entire political career is riddled with allegations of abuses of power, and I'm not about to give her the benefit of the doubt when there's a chance that she will be President. She is a young earth creationist, which to me, is the ultimate demonstration of her severe lack of critical thinking abilities. Despite her Christian Values, she seems to have absolutely no problem with lying on the campaign trail in regards to her position on the Bridge to Nowhere deal. In the very limited view we've had of her, she has shown that the only thing she is capable of doing is repeating GOP talking points, regardless of whether or not they address the question answered.

By the way, being in the top 20% of your high school class is not hard, and probably not even required when your father and grandfather are Admirals in the Navy. We're in an economic crisis and neither McCain nor Palin seem to have a very impressive grasp on Economics. They ARE think with your gut people, and we've all seen how that worked out over the last 8 years. Hotzester, I know there are a few party faithfuls out there like you, but the independents have seen Palin and McCain for what they are, and the polls are turning. I'm glad that you enjoy the pick, but just know that you're now in the minority thinking that it was a good one.

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