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aggitated, need an opinion
As previously stated I'd do what you feel most comfortable with because frankly you'll never please everyone.

If you "cave" to your friend and breastfeed then you'll have some group of people who want you to nurse in the bat cave because "that kinda thing shouldn't be done in public" no matter how low key and modest you are about it.

It's a lose lose situation if you go by public/popular opinion. You can and should do what feels right and good to you *should it be a concern anyway depending on the outcome of the you may or may not be pregnant question*.

Both options have there pros and cons. Quite frankly as long as you are happy, and content with your choice your baby will be too. If you are stressed about the type of feeding EVERYTIME you sit down to nurse or bottle feed your kiddo will pick up on that and thats no good.

Tell your friend that when she gets pregnant she can breastfeed till her hearts content. But that you will make the decision thats best for both you and your baby.

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