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Interning for FB&HW
I don't know how bad the job market for teachers is in Michigan, but I have a hard time imagining that it's any worse than finding a radio job. Everyone's slashing their advertising budgets, which means radio is hurting badly. I know of a station which had to drop three of their best on-air employees, and presssure one or two more into retirement simply because they couldn't afford to keep them. Now, there's a bunch of nearly minimum-wage part-timers keeping the station going.

I don't want to stomp on your dreams, but I definitely think you should know what you're getting into. You might be part-time for 3 years or more waiting for someone to retire or move on so that you can get a new position, if his/her position will even be re-filled. Then again, there are stories of people who are at the right place at the right time and it works out for them, but most people have to pay their dues and it can be bad for a while.

Again, this isn't to discourage you. If you're up to the challenge, then charge in there head-first!

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