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2009 Celebrity Death Pool
Since a couple of you have him, thought you might like to know that Patrick Swayze checked into the hospital today with Pneomonia. Of course the publicists are claiming its not life threatening, only routine, but the same was said of Bernie Mac.,,

Quote:Patrick Swayze has pneumonia and has checked himself into a hospital for observation, it was revealed Friday at a press event for the Television Critics Association in Los Angeles.

"As we arrived here this morning we have some news," said A&E president Abbe Raven. "Patrick Swayze has checked himself into the hospital. However, he asked us specifically to go forward with today's panel. We wish him the very best with his recovery."

Bob DeBitetto, the president and general manager of A&E, delivered the news that Swayze had decided to check himself into the hospital after he came down with pneumonia.

Swayze, who is battling pancreatic cancer, had been expected to discuss his new show, The Beast, scheduled to begin airing Jan. 15.

'He's still fighting'
"Patrick is undergoing treatment and he's still fighting," a source close to the star tells PEOPLE. "He felt so bad that he couldn't be at the TCAs. He's fighting and doing well, and that's all anybody can hope for at this stage. He is not at death's door. Nobody ever knows with cancer, but he's doing alright. As soon as he's out, he's going to try to reschedule as much as he can.

Adds another source close to the situation, "He knows he's not a miracle. There's only so much he can do. He needs to take care of himself, so he checked himself in to get the help he needs."

During an interview that aired Wednesday on ABC, the actor told Barbara Walters that his road has been difficult. "You can bet that I'm going through hell," he said. "And I've only seen the beginning of it."

Swayze, 56, who went public with his diagnosis last March, said the disease has taken an emotional toll. "There's a lot of fear here," he said. "Yeah, I'm scared. Yeah, I'm angry. Yeah, I'm [asking], why me."

Despite his difficult year battling cancer, Swayze is still looking ahead. "I keep dreaming of a future, a future with a long and healthy life," he said, "not lived in the shadow of cancer, but in the light."

Colleagues Praise Patrick
At the TCA event in L.A., Swayze's colleagues on the show opened up about the actor's personal struggle. "[He's] been an absolute inspiration, he's an amazing guy," said costar Travis Fimmel. "He makes the little things seem not important."

Bill Rotko, creator of The Beast, said: "Although you forget sometimes that Patrick's going through treatment for cancer, it brings you very close together. There's a tremendous amount of respect going on."

Beast executive producer John Romano added that Swayze gives the show 100 percent. "He's bringing the force of his own personal struggle into the performance," he said. "He does it five days a week, 12 hours a day."
What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.

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