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Right Now I'm........... (part deux)
Right now I'm miserable. Not really sure why, but I've been sneezing and blowing my nose all day long. Thought it was allergies, but I took a couple Benadryl this morning and they haven't done squat. I've already used an entire box of tissues, and the workday is only half over.

admin Wrote:
potthole Wrote:Most of the way done with getting the new gutters up. Just have to finish one little five foot span, and aside from that it's just some stuff with downspouts and caulking.

Did you get my voicemail from last night?

Yeah, noticed it Sunday morning when I got up. I'll have to explain it the next time we talk, because it'll be too difficult to type it out, but we wound up basically starting from scratch on Saturday. Pleased to report, however, that everything works fine. Tested them out with the hose yesterday. Have a couple of areas that still leak a little bit, but that's not anything that can't be fixed with some caulk.

We'll be finishing up the job Thursday.

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