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Zane is a thin skinned Nancy
Biff Wrote:I'm always amazed that the guys put this much effort into defending themselves against the e-mails they receive when people are offended. They need to tell them to eat a bag of dicks and move on. The show is what it is and they shouldn't have to apologize or explain what they do.

Either people get it or they don't. Trying to make them "get it" by explaining everything every time some fucking Nancy sends in a "I'm offended" e-mail only emboldens those who would send those e-mails.

Fuck the haters guys. Do what you do. "Dance with who brought ya". I realize that the popularity show increases the idiot factor but don't let it bring you down.

The key phrase is "eat a bag of dicks, whiners" and move on to the next thing.

Here here!

You guys don't need to explain yourselves to anybody that gets offended.

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