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okay so I didn't find the clip, but as promised I'll spill what I heard.

(but know that in this telling it's going to be a bit of a let down)

Huge was talking about something involving women as hockey fans, when I tuned in he was tlaking with a caller doing his usual tell me who your favorite player is thing,

Here's a transcript as filitered through my memory from 3 weeks ago:

Huge: so whos your favorite all time hockey player ?

Caller: Bob McHockey pants, he was great

Huge: Oh yeah I remember him, great passer. so who does your wife like ?

Caller: (A bit of silence.) Muh... MY Wife ? I'm a woman.

Huge: (Audible gasp and choke and the loudest silence ever heard on radio)


Huge. Heh. HAH ! Wow, that was bad.

The caller was a good sport about it, and she did have a pretty androgynous voice, but it was still pretty devastating. Huge tried to laugh it off, but the damage was done.
Wowie Groovie !

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