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Zane Vs Benercrombie: The results
Titan and I embarked on an epic* road trip** to go watch the Race for the Ages. The video is autozoom challenged because of a 5 year old point and shoot, and apparently I have cerebral palsy. Feel free to skip to Part 3 for the race, but the whole event, as seen through our eyes, is best seen with all three videos.

The show video is going to be sweet though, they had a whole play by play setup and 4 or 5 cameras. If you want to see a well made video, wait for them. If you want to listen to Titan and I swear and my stupid point and shoot go crazy, the videos are below.

Part 1: In which Titan wants documentation of this epic trip, and a couple of bad words are said.

Part 2: In which there is driving, Incredibad, the longest stoplight ever, and Titan and I say more bad words. Suprise guest at the end.

Part 3: The Race, complete with Autozoom retardation and Orz the PalsyCam.

*Not epic.
**Took 40 minutes.
Everyday you reinvent yourself into a bigger cock-shite than ever. It's incredible. I don't know how you do it. I admire you.

I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part.

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