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Right after the last segment before the local break was spud making fun of FBHW for what they talk about on their morning show? Something about how he doesn't talk about hockey and Lindsey Lohan? I didn't quite catch it all but I was wondering if anyone else did?
That ad has been running for a while now, and fortunately they don't run it that often. I guess by gently teasing a hit show, he thinks some of the magic will rub off on his show. It's not working. Political talk on a rock show doesn't sound like a great plan to me, even in ultra conservative West Michigan.
i highly doubt he was making fun of a show that airs on the same station as him. more than likely he was talking about a show on another station here in grand rapids. ever since i first heard that commercial i have been trying to figure out what show that is, but i cant seem to think of it. but i do agree with you, his show sucks ass. GRD is lucky that they have free beer and hot wings in the morning, otherwise their station would completely suck. anyone on the air after 10 a.m. is horrible.
nickfurg2 Wrote:GRD is lucky that they have free beer and hot wings in the morning, otherwise their station would completely suck. anyone on the air after 10 a.m. is horrible.
Sorry to say but I gotta agree with this statement.
Well, I guess that we all learned a lesson today. That it's what's inside a person that counts. And that on the inside, midgets are thieving little bastards.
For the record...Spud is NOT mocking us. We asked because it did sound a little weird. He is aiming for someone else at another radio station. Clearly it's working "great" though as nobody knows who the hell he is talking about.
I thought he was bashing the morning show on 103.3. When I flip channels their stuff makes me actively angry. I remember a few weeks ago during the day they were playing their segment like the guys do that says, "If you missed Free Beer and Hot Wings in the morning then you missed this..." and it's a quick funny clip from that day's show. Well this morning show's funny clip was some lame as hell prerecorded bit about the finale of "The Biggest Loser Family Edition" and all they did was make fun of the Lohans and the Spears.

I was waiting for Zane to hit the clown horn button. Ever since FB&HW started mocking those prerecorded bits that you can get online I've grown to hate them more and more. If a Lindsay Lohan joke that you stole is your highlight clip then your show much really suck.


But I digress. Yeah, stop being so vague Spud.
I am the irrepressible dark horse.
Film it. Listen to it. Live it. Love it.

All the best,
The Mayor of Awesometown
does not matter. spuds hannity blather (tinged with a taste of bitterness) makes me happy I don't pal around with that ype of whiner. What a downer his remotes must be. me "I love GRD and FBHW.." spud "Well the world is ending becase of that obama fellow"...WHAT WAS AMERICA THINKING!!!!!

Uhhh. wow. Heading back to my fbhw podcast.
I for one actually like listening to Spud mock Obama. I've decided that I'm going to be like the democrats were for the last 8 years and blame everything bad that happens while Obama is in office. "I'm pissed because the Red Wings lost the other night...Stupid Obama." "I lost my job...Stupid Obama."
The fact that people are on here bitching about Spud in this manner proves that he is doing exactly what he is getting paid for.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
Admin Wrote:The fact that people are on here bitching about Spud in this manner proves that he is doing exactly what he is getting paid for.

a idiot with a "I'm always right" attitude could do the same. i hate spud.
Hang on guys, I'm not in Michigan, but I heard a commercial for his show and he clearly says:

"'s afternoon radio. Minus the suck."
Seems legit to me.
Jo Wrote:
Admin Wrote:The fact that people are on here bitching about Spud in this manner proves that he is doing exactly what he is getting paid for.

a ambulance driver with a "I'm always right" attitude could do the same. i hate spud.

Exactly my point.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
Admin Wrote:The fact that people are on here bitching about Spud in this manner proves that he is doing exactly what he is getting paid for.

Not really. I make it a point to change the channel when he starts babbling with his over-the-top, super Republican gimmick. At least as far as I'm concerned he's NOT doing his job because his talking makes me stop listening.

You're correct that he's supposed to generate buzz. That's the old "there's no such thing as bad press" theory. And maybe in general he is pulling in listeners (he wouldn't still have a job if he didn't.)

But us complaining about him here doesn't prove that he is or is not doing his job. I know enough about him just from commercials to know that I don't want to hear his regular show. So in my case at least he's failing.
I am the irrepressible dark horse.
Film it. Listen to it. Live it. Love it.

All the best,
The Mayor of Awesometown
There's a lot of people who listen just because they hate him. You're the exception instead of the rule.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
I figured as much. It still befuddles me though. I can understand listening to something you hate if it's a regular radio show that runs for a few hours because then you can tune in at anytime and hear an idiot. But with Spud he only gets to talk once in a while in between tunes so you have to wait around for his stupidity. Talk about masochism.
I am the irrepressible dark horse.
Film it. Listen to it. Live it. Love it.

All the best,
The Mayor of Awesometown
mayorofawesometown Wrote:
Admin Wrote:The fact that people are on here bitching about Spud in this manner proves that he is doing exactly what he is getting paid for.

Not really. I make it a point to change the channel when he starts babbling with his over-the-top, super Republican gimmick. At least as far as I'm concerned he's NOT doing his job because his talking makes me stop listening.

You're correct that he's supposed to generate buzz. That's the old "there's no such thing as bad press" theory. And maybe in general he is pulling in listeners (he wouldn't still have a job if he didn't.)

But us complaining about him here doesn't prove that he is or is not doing his job. I know enough about him just from commercials to know that I don't want to hear his regular show. So in my case at least he's failing.

I can relate to this exception to the rule too, I know I am not from GR or anything but I can get the station on my phone and listen every once in a while after FB&HW goes off I also listen on my PC. but just hearing spud in the commercials pisses me off let alone trying to listen to his dribble for 5 minutes. I have tried and would rather listen to the Danny Bonaduce show that is sadly aired here in philly. I can understand the whole idea of the effect that people want to listen because they hate him, it is a tactic used in a lot of places, bill oriley, savage nation, and so on. However I think that the people may be getting tired of this because it is now getting over used.

lol I did however like the comment from the new DJ "if you don't like hockey either bite me, or gulp it" or something like that, it was cracking me up, my wife thought I was going crazy because she thought I was talking on my phone and not listening to the radio when she seen me wearing my headphones.
It matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.
[spoiler]Shit, you took away the black bar. Put it the fuck back now![/spoiler]
After the boys are over, my work radio goes to 96.1 cause I can't stand to hear the same 30 songs over and over (not that 96.1 is much better) and Spud makes me want smash my radio. And I like my radio and don't want to see it get smashed.
Mark the Valet Wrote:Hang on guys, I'm not in Michigan, but I heard a commercial for his show and he clearly says:

"'s afternoon radio. Minus the suck."
Seems legit to me.
Sorry Spud, but it's afternoon radio with the suck. Dyson can't compare to this kind of suck.
I love Spud because he mocks the shit out of obama and other hippies.
*looks at your custom title*

It seems that Zane was right on the money.
I am the irrepressible dark horse.
Film it. Listen to it. Live it. Love it.

All the best,
The Mayor of Awesometown
mayorofawesometown Wrote:*looks at your custom title*

It seems that Zane was right on the money.
It took me a while, but I figured it out. +1
Spud's commentary is worth listening to. The music, however, is not. It's KLQ for me when my favorite all-talk shows aren't on. WGRD is much to repetitive.
I haven't actually listened to WGRD for music in a long time but it used to be how much Nirvana, Weezer and Green Day can we fit into 1 hour. Now normally I have nothing against any of these bands but it git a little ridiculous after awhile.
Well, I guess that we all learned a lesson today. That it's what's inside a person that counts. And that on the inside, midgets are thieving little bastards.
Its not so much the music that bothers me, because during the course of the day i switch between about 5 or 6 different stations while driving for work, but its their on-air personalities that bother me. As has been mention many times, spud is a moron...wait i take that back, i dont necessarily hate him for his views, becuase i am a believer of the "to each their own" statement, but an alternative rock station is not the place to be voicing your political views. I listen to GRD to hear rock music, not how much spud hates democrats. and as for JT, hes just boring, but still better than spud.
anyone hear the segment again about 8:04?

"hello pussy"

ha ha ha
"Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. You should talk to my neighbor the accountant. Probably a great golfer. Huge ass!"
I've purposely tuned into Spud's show to see what all the fuss is about and I have never once heard him talking politics. I've tried many different times at least a half hour each time.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
it's usually between 4 and 5 that I hear him get really into it and take callers on the matter. I remember he was talking about carrying guns and I called in as I have a CCW (Carry Concelled Weapons permit)
"Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. You should talk to my neighbor the accountant. Probably a great golfer. Huge ass!"
jgwelding Wrote:Right after the last segment before the local break was spud making fun of FBHW for what they talk about on their morning show? Something about how he doesn't talk about hockey and Lindsey Lohan? I didn't quite catch it all but I was wondering if anyone else did?
During the above mentioned commercial this morning I heard Zane playing bits in the background. Larry David's "SHUT THE EFF UP!" being my favorite. Along with some other gems. Thank you Zane for being THE "Pop off sound effects guy."
wingospagettio Wrote:
jgwelding Wrote:Right after the last segment before the local break was spud making fun of FBHW for what they talk about on their morning show? Something about how he doesn't talk about hockey and Lindsey Lohan? I didn't quite catch it all but I was wondering if anyone else did?
During the above mentioned commercial this morning I heard Zane playing bits in the background. Larry David's "SHUT THE EFF UP!" being my favorite. Along with some other gems. Thank you Zane for being THE "Pop off sound effects guy."

This was done sometime last week too. Just one drop was played though. I can't remember which one it was.

... good stoory, huh? All that was missing was every detail!
3/30/2009 1:38 PM Loose Wendy wrote: "I would rather masturbate using a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire than have sex with Joe."
I normally walk away from my desk during the commercial breaks but heard them mocking spuds commercial this morning and had to stick around to listen to it.
Admin Wrote:There's a lot of people who listen just because they hate him. You're the exception instead of the rule.

I choose not to listen to him because he is completely out of touch with reality. He is a know it all bag of wind. He should seriously leave politics out of his show. I go to KLQ after FBHW is over for rock music. FBHW=Best morning show ever!
I shut the radio off and listen to music on my computer while I'm in the office.
I hate spud, kid is such a douchebag.
I'm a big fan of political commentary, and I enjoy opinions from across the spectrum... Pat Buchanan, Rachel Maddow, Susan Estrich, Joe Scarborough, among others... but what spud is doing isn't so much commentary... it's propaganda.

The Daily Show, easily a very left leaning show, for example, will mock, sometimes viciously, democrats... Spud doesn't tear down republicans to anywhere near the extent he perpetually attacks Democrats and Liberals.

If GRD wants to have an opinion show, I'm all for it... but "ambushing" us with political views when we tune in for music is simply unprofessional, as though McDonalds had crew members come out during your meal and start pitching for a plasma screen tv they think you need.

As it stands, I simply change the channel when he makes his comments. However, I've also begun refraining from visiting establishments, such as steak n shake, that he advertises for. Conservatives have known for some time that voting with your dollar is an effective means to get your point across. So do so.
visigoth56 Wrote:voting with your dollar is an effective means to get your point across. So do so.

That's a great theory, could you please expound on it a little more ?
Wowie Groovie !

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