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Eric Zane "The Great White Douche Bag"
Well, Eric Zane discombobulated me when he was talking about "the gym incident". I love the show but I am overwhelmed with disappointment in how big a puss Zane is. The way I see it; it was more disrespectfull to his wife for him to say nothing than what the actual comment was.
Only 3 ppl on tonight. Damn I'm bored.
Based off of what he shared, his wife didn't get upset at how he handled things, so I think that right there is all the answer that is needed.
Well maybe you are right but you are also going by what zane said. Have you gotten his wifes true feelings about the whole thing. If a woman says "Its ok";chances are your in trouble. If she says "fine! Go ahead";chances are you are in trouble; if she says "don't worry, I've got it"; it means she's doing whatever she told you to do 2 hrs ago and you are in trouble. But if she doesn't say a word get ready for ww3. I would like to hear how she really feels about the whole thing; not what zane says she thinks about it. In my eyes he was in the wrong by letting the man disrespect his wife without even a single "look guy;that was very disrespectfull of you to say and I would like for you to apologise to my wife". But he said NOTHING! He has no respect for her.
So potthole;hypothetical situation, if we lived in the same town and it was your wife that I said...."I'm horny and I wanna stuff your muff" to; how do you think she would want you to react?how do you think she would react? Just because a woman is independant and liberated doesn't mean that they wouldn't want her husband to stand up like he's got a pair and atleast say "that was wrong and I want you to say your sorry to my wife". That was the least he could have done to show an inkling of respect and concern.
Major A-hole Wrote:Well maybe you are right but you are also going by what zane said. Have you gotten his wifes true feelings about the whole thing. If a woman says "Its ok";chances are your in trouble. If she says "fine! Go ahead";chances are you are in trouble; if she says "don't worry, I've got it"; it means she's doing whatever she told you to do 2 hrs ago and you are in trouble. But if she doesn't say a word get ready for ww3. I would like to hear how she really feels about the whole thing; not what zane says she thinks about it. In my eyes he was in the wrong by letting the man disrespect his wife without even a single "look guy;that was very disrespectfull of you to say and I would like for you to apologise to my wife". But he said NOTHING! He has no respect for her.
Are you Mrs. Zane incognito?
Well, I guess that we all learned a lesson today. That it's what's inside a person that counts. And that on the inside, midgets are thieving little bastards.
Jiggy Wrote:
Major A-hole Wrote:Well maybe you are right but you are also going by what zane said. Have you gotten his wifes true feelings about the whole thing. If a woman says "Its ok";chances are your in trouble. If she says "fine! Go ahead";chances are you are in trouble; if she says "don't worry, I've got it"; it means she's doing whatever she told you to do 2 hrs ago and you are in trouble. But if she doesn't say a word get ready for ww3. I would like to hear how she really feels about the whole thing; not what zane says she thinks about it. In my eyes he was in the wrong by letting the man disrespect his wife without even a single "look guy;that was very disrespectfull of you to say and I would like for you to apologise to my wife". But he said NOTHING! He has no respect for her.
Are you Mrs. Zane incognito?

Nah, she's got her own account here. He's just some minger with too much access to the "post reply" button.
Major A-hole Wrote:Well maybe you are right but you are also going by what zane said. Have you gotten his wifes true feelings about the whole thing.

As I said in my initial post... [/b]based off of what was said on the radio[b] Mrs. Ten didn't seem to be upset with the way Zane dealt with the situation. Doesn't mean I'm saying we were given 100% of the story, but opinions can only be formed off of the information presented.

If we were to hear otherwise, opinions might change, but until that happens, my previous post still contains my sentiments.
I come in here every couple months just to see what's going on because I like the show. Every time I do potthole shows me that he really doesn't know who he is. He cannot form his own opinions. He MUST DEFEND THE SHOW AND CAST at All cost. You have been a member or whatever for about 219 days and have made 2635 posts; that is an average of a little over 12 posts per day. I hope your not pissing in 2 liter bottles and surviving on twinkies and cheesy puffs. Potthole I wish you the best of luck in your opreation to have your ass removed from your computer swivel seat; but I am really concerned about how they will pull your head out of everybodies ass from the show. I have realized a few things today. Zanes a puss. Potthole doesn't have a life and is incapable of forming his own opinion especially if it goes against the show or cast. Everytime I come here you jump on your menstral-cycle and try to run me over. But I can understand. You are young and you are searching for the real potthole. Goodluck with that. It might require you to UN-PLUG for awhile. Oh no. Where would all your friends be? If they are in the monitor then you have major issues. So anyways, everybody else is cool with me. See ya'll next time I come in. Happy Valentines.
In hindsite: I wish i'd of said something to the old man. I'm not sure if that qualifies for "disgracing my wife." Perhaps it does when you really worm into it. Part of the negligence to defend wife was the shock of the incident. It will happen again at this place and I will not let it slide by and I will tell the story on the air. Now get to work!
Personally, I don't know what I'd have done. There is an argument for letting it go and cause no further incident, and there is argument for blasting his sorry old ass. I guess I would give my girl one of those quizzical looks like "how do you want me to deal with this" And then react accordingly. I'm not sure if that is the "manly" thing to do or not, but I was taught to avoid fist fights unless they are swinging at you. I may be wrong, but a lot of women think fighting is stupid and you have to deal with her a hell of a lot longer than the horny old man. Karma can be a bitch.
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
Dude. Hindsite is 20/20. And maybe it will happen again and you will be able to kick his cane out from under him or something. I hope you can change your status as a puss with a man-gina into a real man with a bomb ass wife. If a woman says she's not pissed or you ask what's wrong and she says "nothing" ; your screwed. Now tuck in those massive nose cavities grab ur sac and go to the gym and kick some old man ass; that is unless you want to be known as Eric "The Man-Gina" Zane". And by the way, I am working you half breed, hook nose douche bag. I am in florence,sc picking up a load. I own my own business. I don't mooch fame off of freebeer and hotwings like you. By the are faster with the answers to the name that tune game than what you are to defend your wife. Everyone knows I am telling the truth. Let fb and hw read this and they will bust your chops too,
Ok let me clarify. Kicking old man ass is wrong. But making the old man apologise immediately would have sufficed.
Major A-hole Wrote:Ok let me clarify. Kicking old man ass is wrong. But making the old man apologise immediately would have sufficed.

You have to factor in that Zane is a member of the media and the negative repercussions of immediate action aren't always worth it. Sometimes revenge is a dish best served cold.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
Major A-hole Wrote:Well, Eric Zane discombobulated me when he was talking about "the gym incident". I love the show but I am overwhelmed with disappointment in how big a puss Zane is. The way I see it; it was more disrespectfull to his wife for him to say nothing than what the actual comment was.

holy shit, you're a whiney little bitch.
Discombobulate means to have or to cause confusion. I can see that you are repeatedly used as a sperm bank / cock charger on a regular basis by anyone with a heartbeat and therefore you are used to disrespect ; you have no respect for yourself. You know no other way so it is normal to you. I love whores.
Major A-hole Wrote:Discombobulate means to have or to cause confusion. I can see that you are repeatedly used as a sperm bank / cock charger on a regular basis by anyone with a heartbeat and therefore you are used to disrespect ; you have no respect for yourself. You know no other way so it is normal to you. I love whores.
Nice avatar. Looks like a troll....wait?
Well, I guess that we all learned a lesson today. That it's what's inside a person that counts. And that on the inside, midgets are thieving little bastards.
I am on my blackberry phone and have not figured out how to change the avatar yet. Not really too concerned with it. I only come in here when I'm really bored. But I do like listening to the show when I can find it.
Ouch. My feelings are hurt. You know me so very well, it's like you can read my posts and see a portal to my soul.

Major A-hole Wrote:I come in here every couple months just to see what's going on because I like the show. Every time I do potthole shows me that he really doesn't know who he is. He cannot form his own opinions. He MUST DEFEND THE SHOW AND CAST at All cost. You have been a member or whatever for about 219 days and have made 2635 posts; that is an average of a little over 12 posts per day. I hope your not pissing in 2 liter bottles and surviving on twinkies and cheesy puffs. Potthole I wish you the best of luck in your opreation to have your ass removed from your computer swivel seat; but I am really concerned about how they will pull your head out of everybodies ass from the show. I have realized a few things today. Zanes a puss. Potthole doesn't have a life and is incapable of forming his own opinion especially if it goes against the show or cast. Everytime I come here you jump on your menstral-cycle and try to run me over. But I can understand. You are young and you are searching for the real potthole. Goodluck with that. It might require you to UN-PLUG for awhile. Oh no. Where would all your friends be? If they are in the monitor then you have major issues. So anyways, everybody else is cool with me. See ya'll next time I come in. Happy Valentines.

You could have really saved yourself a bunch of time by just posting something along the lines of this...
You act just like that little pidgeon-chested half-pint dickhead who's daddy owns RCD Direct in GRapids mich. They are on the corner of Ann str and Plainfield across from the school. He has short man complex and is constantly pissed at the world. You guys could be twins. Well good luck on your journey to being a pedophile and downloading beastiality porn.
Major A-hole Wrote:You act just like that little pidgeon-chested half-pint dickhead who's daddy owns RCD Direct in GRapids mich.

Who is that? I'm not familiar with this person.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
Seriously, what the crap.

You started a thread, usually when one does so they are looking for people to share their thoughts and opinions. I gave my opinion. You don't like that opinion- that's fine, there's nothing wrong with that.

There, however, is zero need to start throwing out all these personal insults. I'm showing you and your opinion respect, and the least you can do is the same.

I'm the king of dumb, petty arguments on this board, and this is one pointless argument that I have no need to get into.
RCD Direct is a bedding/furniture store in Grand Rapids mich that I used to deliver to for 2 yrs. I hated going there. The dad is a prime example of someone who hates his life so he will make everyone around him feel the same way. The son is the same way but add in the factor that he is only 5'3" and his outlook on life is worse than his dads.

Now to you sugar plum potthole. My first time here I was just trying to chat because there is not many people that drive trucks that I want to talk to. You put me down with everything I posted. I was an "uneducated hillbilly" with severe lack of common sense. So. I quit coming here for a couple months. Then I heard The Mangina talking about what happened at the gym. I posted and made a poll. And then you say "he's just some minger with too much access to the "post reply" button". I was trying to show ppl my view of the situation. Maybe when I gave the hypothetical situation between you and I ; I should have used the term "life partener" instead of wife. Is that what got ur lil panties in a wad? Anyways, I was making a point; you stirred the pot like you always do so you can be QUEEN of the castle; and now that I started making replies back all of the sudden I'm the a-hole. Like you told me when I first came here;" don't dish it if you can't take it". By the way your photos are pretty good. I like photography too but you wouldn't know that because ur too busy keeping ur online status as a bitch high on the list.
Has anyone brought up the idea of talking to the management of the gym about this ?
Wowie Groovie !
Hey Renegade, seems to me like you are proping yourself as "King Douche" with this thread. I have no problem with you calling out Zane, but beating up Potthole is real assy. You need a good banning. Douche bag.
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
Titan. If u remember a guy from the gym called into the show. I think his name was Cory or Cody. He said EVERYBODY was aware of the infestation of old farts. Everybody knows but doesn't wanna give'um heart attacks. Big lawsuit.

Maddog. Look dude. He provoked it. I was trying to explain my point of view and he said I was a minger with too much access to the "post reply" button. How was that respecting me? I give respect when respect is given to me. Ok. I am "king douche bag". Potthole sent me a pm. I sent one back apologising. I was automatically an a-hole for doing to him what he has done to so many others. Whatever. Don't know. Ask him.
Renegade, let it go please. Take your bullshit problems with potthole to PM.

Go fuck yourself. Hard.
Major A-hole Wrote:RCD Direct is a bedding/furniture store in Grand Rapids mich that I used to deliver to for 2 yrs. I hated going there. The dad is a prime example of someone who hates his life so he will make everyone around him feel the same way. The son is the same way but add in the factor that he is only 5'3" and his outlook on life is worse than his dads.

So you're trying to insult someone by referencing someone that no one on this board has any sort of reference point with which to associate the level of jackassery?

*scratches head and walks away*
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
Major A-hole Wrote:blah blah blah

I saw this thread and thought "woa, lots of replies must be good" then I clicked and learned that most of them were you.

[Image: 125837696_m.png]
Major A-hole Wrote:Titan. If u remember a guy from the gym called into the show. I think his name was Cory or Cody. He said EVERYBODY was aware of the infestation of old farts. Everybody knows but doesn't wanna give'um heart attacks. Big lawsuit.

Maddog. Look dude. He provoked it. I was trying to explain my point of view and he said I was a minger with too much access to the "post reply" button. How was that respecting me? I give respect when respect is given to me. Ok. I am "king douche bag". Potthole sent me a pm. I sent one back apologising. I was automatically an a-hole for doing to him what he has done to so many others. Whatever. Don't know. Ask him.

Renegade, Your the one who started this stupid thread and Potthole was giving you his opinion because this thread is a public document. I've had my own arguments with Potthole that have wound up in PM but his opinion is as valid as ANYONE else on this board. You said yourself that when you get board you pop and pop out. This must mean that you don't really take the time to read his posts to find out that Potthole isn't as big a dick as you make him out to be. Just to come in and start swinging wildly at a respected, dedicated poster like Potthole, is not going to win you any love on the FBHW message board. Just my 2 cents .

Major A-hole Wrote:I was trying to explain my point of view and he said I was a minger

Maybe you should go wash the sand out of your vag.
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
I don't blame Zane for not doing anything. If Joe had already turned my ribs into powder and I had gotten trashed in a footrace by Benercrombie then I'd be terrified to confront anyone - elderly man or not - too.

Zane is already old, gray and rickety. He's only a year or two away from being naked in a jacuzzi and leaving his own layer of filthy froth.
I am the irrepressible dark horse.
Film it. Listen to it. Live it. Love it.

All the best,
The Mayor of Awesometown
Damn. Now that's funny.
Major A-hole Wrote:Dude. Hindsite is 20/20
it's also "hindsight."
That's funny too. I miss pronunktiated a word. Damn george bush !
Major A-hole Wrote:Discombobulate means to have or to cause confusion. I can see that you are repeatedly used as a sperm bank / cock charger on a regular basis by anyone with a heartbeat and therefore you are used to disrespect ; you have no respect for yourself. You know no other way so it is normal to you. I love whores.

and i can see everybody else notices you're the biggest dipshit on this board right now. stop being a attention whore and shut the Eff up about this stupid topic that nobody but you cares about because you get bored in between putting it to your sister and fisting whatever farm animal you come across, you Tennessee inbred.
Jo Wrote:
Major A-hole Wrote:Discombobulate means to have or to cause confusion. I can see that you are repeatedly used as a sperm bank / cock charger on a regular basis by anyone with a heartbeat and therefore you are used to disrespect ; you have no respect for yourself. You know no other way so it is normal to you. I love whores.

and i can see everybody else notices you're the biggest dipshit on this board right now. stop being a attention whore and shut the eff up about this stupid topic that nobody but you cares about because you get bored in between putting it to your sister and fisting whatever farm animal you come across, you Tennessee inbred.

Damn, now thats funny!!!
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
Well aren't we testy. I think you meant to post "stop being "an" attention whore. Another thing you are misconstrued on that if you fpollow all lines of geneology it will always end with the same two people so actually we are all brothers and sisters. Just one more thing. If you ever had to work on a farm yoiu would realize that your statement about "fisting" a farm animalis true but not in the sense that you wish it was. Cattle and ev ery other animal when giving birth; their babies come out front feet then head first. Sometimes one of the front feet gets held back by a pocket in the uterian wall. When that happens you have a choice. Lose the baby and the momma or you have tto push the baby back in alittle and run your hand in there to try to move that leg around so you can pull it out with the other front leg. If you can't do that then the baby dies and the mother hemmorages. Its really no different that a dr putting his hand inside a woman to spin the baby around before there is a breech birth
WhAAATTTT the eff!!!!!
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
Major A-hole Wrote:Well aren't we testy. I think you meant to post "stop being "an" attention whore. Another thing you are misconstrued on that if you fpollow all lines of geneology it will always end with the same two people so actually we are all brothers and sisters. Just one more thing. If you ever had to work on a farm yoiu would realize that your statement about "fisting" a farm animalis true but not in the sense that you wish it was. Cattle and ev ery other animal when giving birth; their babies come out front feet then head first. Sometimes one of the front feet gets held back by a pocket in the uterian wall. When that happens you have a choice. Lose the baby and the momma or you have tto push the baby back in alittle and run your hand in there to try to move that leg around so you can pull it out with the other front leg. If you can't do that then the baby dies and the mother hemmorages. Its really no different that a dr putting his hand inside a woman to spin the baby around before there is a breech birth
That audio insult was great. I'm glad you could finally admit that is when you started batting for the other team. And just to clarify about the geneology comment; I was reffering to Adam and Eve.

Hey maddog. The life of a farmer is not glorious. Sometimes you can't wait for the vet to get there; you gotta save them yourself. Hell, that T-bone steak you ate could have been one of the cattle I raised.

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