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What Can Jo Do? Suggestions
Rather than have a million threads giving ideas of stunts that Joe should do, let's try to put them all into one central thread. From here on out, please post your stunt ideas in here.
I think Joe should do a roller derby challenge and try to hang on the rink with me and my girls!
There is a group of roller girls in GR... that could probably be done, if they ever wanted to add it to the wheel. I think that could be a good one.
joe should go an entire month without bathing/showering/shaving .
call the stunt "No Bathe November"
I would like to see more stunts that include the listeners. Being a part of Sting Pong was a lot of fun, and yes all the guys from the show were really cool.
potthole Wrote:There is a group of roller girls in GR... that could probably be done, if they ever wanted to add it to the wheel. I think that could be a good one.

Grand Raggidy Roller Girls are AWESOME!
brawlstanley78 Wrote:Grand Raggidy Roller Girls are AWESOME!

Saw them once a year ago, it was pretty cool. They just moved to a new venue, though, and from what my friends have said, the venue change was a bad idea. Not as fan-friendly of a place (lack of food options, seating not as good, etc).
rag1ncaucasian Wrote:joe should go an entire month without bathing/showering/shaving .
call the stunt "No Bathe November"

They already have that guy in Kurt Bush, don't they?
Joe should have to do uncomfortable massage from one of those kiosks in the middle of the mall, where you pay $10 for 10 minutes. All listeners welcome to watch him look like a fool!
I like the Roller Derby idea. I just came up with a lame idea, the no toilet paper challenge. Joe goes to a restraunt and goes to the bathroom. About 2 minutes later, he calls the restraunt or yells out of the door saying there is no toilet paper. And gets someone that works there to get him some. Then maybe say that the stuff they gave him doesn't feel good.
I'd like to see joe wrestle a midget
I kind of want them to make Joe dress in drag and try to convince strangers that he's pregnant and they're the father.
ogyjoe Wrote:

Yeah man, I saw that a couple of weeks ago. Absolutely BRUTAL.
There's no way Joe would do something like that.
have joe go out on the street and ask questions to the public every time they get one right he talks off an artical of clothing right down to his thong
They should make Joe run the show for 20 minutes for a stunt. See if he's really learning anything
what can joe do is my favorite FBHW segment...but the stunts I find boring are the ones where he basically just gets things thrown at him. It is not that funny to the listener. The best are when he is forced to interact in absurd ways with unsuspecting bystanders. Cracks me up every time! Joe is the bomb!
joe should be duct taped to a chair and he has to get himself free before zane can fetch on him
since they have been talking about joe doing more stunts near animals. Joe should slap a bull on the ass and run and hide in a barell. which will most likely be rammed into viciously by the ass-slapped bull.
An Intern audible would be cool. Let Joe pass one off to Dewey, Kurt, Or Milton if it lands on that. Whatever stunt it lands on for intern, let Joe get the joe bucks if applies.
alpacafarmer Wrote:joe should be duct taped to a chair and he has to get himself free before zane can fetch on him

Sort of borrowing from your idea. They could tape him down to the chair, and then just leave him sitting on a street corner. The akward convos he could start with people walking by on the sidewalks...
I'd like to see Joe go around the city in a suit and a tie, pretending to be the president of somewhere like New Zealand, asking people if they want pictures taken, discussing policy, etc.
How about "Producer Joe's Barf Scarf BME Pain Olympics"....

The thing would be for Joe to watch last year's winner of the BME Pain Olympics while wearing a barf scarf. It would be a quick stunt but I'm not sure if he would make it.

BTW, if anyone is curious what it is just google BME Pain Olympics.
Joe should grab an empty toilet paper roll, hold it up to his throat and order at a drive thru like he has a voice box. Then give the workers hell for making fun of him by talking thru the squawk box.
As a "special" Joe should drive in a local Off-road demo.....if you have no idea what it is....picture 8-10 front wheel drive demo-derby cars driving around a muddy track that looks like a motocross racetrack. mic him up, and send him out against other local stations' talent.
Do what's right....even when no one is looking.
barbarian Wrote:Joe should grab an empty toilet paper roll, hold it up to his throat and order at a drive thru like he has a voice box. Then give the workers hell for making fun of him by talking thru the squawk box.

That cracked me up!
Joe should go through the drive through and speak mexican or German and try and order something. When he pulls around he should talk perfect english and then tell them to suck it and then peel out with out paying.
speak Mexican? Who are you John Cena? War lucidores!
Joe should have a scaretactics challenge where he just hides behind things and then jumps out and scares the living shit out of anyone who should happen to come his way. Haha it would be hillarious
yogurtsling Wrote:Joe should have to do uncomfortable massage from one of those kiosks in the middle of the mall, where you pay $10 for 10 minutes. All listeners welcome to watch him look like a fool!

This is a great idea !
Wowie Groovie !
soonandsoforth Wrote:Joe should have a scaretactics challenge where he just hides behind things and then jumps out and scares the living shit out of anyone who should happen to come his way. Haha it would be hillarious

Until he meets the person with congestive heart failure or a pacemaker or.......
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
A while back there was a show code call where the guy described an 'inadvertant snuggle'. That is, he sidled up to a woman at the gym, but it turned out NOT to be his wife. I don't think Joe should actually do a snuggle, though. He might get slapped, which would be terrific, or maced - even better. OTOH, he could get arrested, which would be Below Average.

I figure you could alter it a bit, and do the 'Inadvertant Conversation". Joe would need an accomplice, like Loose Wendy. They'd go to a store and walk up next to the mark. LW would then drift off to look at another store display, while Joe makes highly inappropriate comments to the victim, "not knowing" LW was gone.

An example: Joe could pick up a cucumber and say something like, "hey, maybe we can use this when we get together with your friend again. She seemed to like it the last time". That would be doubly awkward - Joe saying that to a stranger, and Joe disclosing to said stranger that his wife (standing only feet away) is into 3 ways. And cucumbers.
dasbow Wrote:An example: Joe could pick up a cucumber and say something like, "hey, maybe we can use this when we get together with your friend again. She seemed to like it the last time". That would be doubly awkward - Joe saying that to a stranger, and Joe disclosing to said stranger that his wife (standing only feet away) is into 3 ways. And cucumbers.

That would be funny! Exalt!
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
joe should go to an auto part store and ask obvious stupid questions...and ask for parts that dont a muffler bearing
thycantdeportusall Wrote:joe should go to an auto part store and ask obvious stupid questions...and ask for parts that dont a muffler bearing

Blinker Fluid?
Quote of the Day:
"I'm here working for the people. I'm causing dissent, stirring the pot, getting people to question the whole rotten system." - George Costanza
Tell them he needs 3 feet of fallopian tube.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
FB&HW should have Joe go to a sperm bank with arm casts and ask if he can make a deposit, then ask if anyone wants to help him out!
VT Rick Wrote:FB&HW should have Joe go to a sperm bank with arm casts and ask if he can make a deposit, then ask if anyone wants to help him out!

Or he could go to a urologist with cast arms and say that he just had a vasectomy and he needs to provide a sample to test.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
I was thinking Hobo Scavenger Hunt, has this been done already? The hobo's have a list of things they need to collect and need to utilize their dumpster diving skills to become champions, and so on and so forth!
Kate Wrote:I was thinking Hobo Scavenger Hunt, has this been done already? The hobo's have a list of things they need to collect and need to utilize their dumpster diving skills to become champions, and so on and so forth!

That would be funny, they could give them "hobo bucks" or food
Wiener Poopie 2.0! Now fatter and less credible!

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