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Minor Threat - Complete Discography
Melvins - Electroretard
Slipknot: Iowa

Need to feed my agression jones! :headbanger:
I'm listening to track one, by artist...
Coheed and Cambria - Second stage turbine blade
The Beatles - "Savoy Truffle"

was Dylan - "She Belongs to Me"

Beatles - "Maxwell's Silver Hammer"

Dylan - "Isis"

Dylan - "Mozambique"

Dylan - "Hurricane"

Edited By LunaBabe on April 27 2002 at 1:27
Flogging Molly - Worst day since yesterday
Quote:I'm listening to track one, by artist...
track two was better

Marily Manson - Mechanical Animals
Sade - "Love Deluxe" track #5 'Kiss of Life' (then the whole rest of the album)
Radiohead - Kid A

I want to go out and buy the rest of their albums. This is the only one I have, but I really love it.
OK computer is my favorite...
Those guys are great...
Radiohead - OK Computer {Big Grin}
radiohead-pablo honey{Big Grin}
it's been a radiohead kind of guys win.
Quote:radiohead-pablo honey
I saw that at Borders also. Any good?
Radiohead=What the fuck Is so good about radiohead? I've heard them, and cant find a single note that I like. I'm figuring people are saying how much they like them because they heard or read something by some douche In some pretentious magazine that Radiohead are edgy and Important,and these people want to seem edgy themselves, so they pretend to like Radiohead, but deep down inside, they are saying to themselves "God, I hope the backlash against this band starts soon, because I dont know how long I can pretend to like this garbage without perforating my eardrums with a sewing needle".
But thats just my opinion.
Yea, and sometimes people want to seem even more edgy, so they decide to not like a band that a lot of other people like and think are edgy, and they try to pass those other people off as posers who read somewhere that said band is artsy and important rather than just accept the fact that some people might actually like the band for its music. Just my opinion.
That Is a possibility, I suppose.
Way off the mark, but a possibility nontheless.

Edited By Zootybang on April 28 2002 at 5:59
Cold (13 ways to bleed on stage), Nonpoint (Statement) , and Slipknot (IOWA).
Portishead - Dummy, and Portishead, back to back

Radiohead is one of my favorite bands. People can say whatever they want about them, and I realize that their music doesn't appeal to everyone. This band has changed their musical style with every one of their albums. My favorites are their last two, Kid A and Amnesiac. Both of these albums were inspired by a band that they were hanging out with Sigur Ros. Yeah, you can say he has a whiny voice, but I dig it. I liked them from the first time I heard Pablo Honey. I just really dug their sound.
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