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NICE! I love just chillin to that album :fuggin:

A whole bunch of albums I've been dl'ing off (for free trial membership) from the old Man's Ruin catalogue:
Sons of Otis
Alabama Thunder Pussy
Fatso Jetson
Drunk Horse
Queens Of The Stone Age - a few different bootlegs you can download from Go to the bootlegs section.
Social Distortion - Somewhere Between Heaven And hell
Minor Threat - Screaming at a Wall (Best Pissed off song ever)
Def Leppard: Pyromania.

Fuckin VH1 strikes again. Every time they run that fuckin Ultimate Album shit, I get hooked. Bastards I tell you.:fu:
Quote:Def Leppard: Pyromania.

Fuckin VH1 strikes again. Every time they run that fuckin Ultimate Album shit, I get hooked. Bastards I tell you.
I downloaded that today. :roflmao:
Foo Fighters - There's Nothing Left to Lose
while dl'ing a new QOTSA bootleg from Bizarre Fest (thanks May :loveya: haven't checked that site in a while)
Fu Manchu - California Crossing
Thursday - Standing on the Edge of Summer
I jut recently picked up Nickelback - Silver Side Up and I have got to say that I am highly impressed. The vocals make sense to me and flow with the music rather well. If you do pick it up or download it, make sure you get track 2. Woke up this morning.
The heroin flowing through my veins.
Quote:The heroin flowing through my veins.
For some reason I had that song on repeat last night. I think I listened to it like 6 times. All 12 minutes of the Lou Reed version.
Dashboard Confessional/Further Seems Forever mix CD
Ministry - Psalm 69 right now.

Primus - I've been listening to a whole lot of Primus lately.
Finch - New Beginning
i've been kind of listening to rasputina lately. it's all different sounding and such
but at the same time some songs remind me of the bangles and walk like an egyption
Fu Manchu - In Search Of
Ron & Fez Big Ass Simulcast of "The Osbournes"
Clutch - Transnational Speedway League
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