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Wendy O. Williams - "Bump & Grind" :headbang:
ROFL. That smile looks like her too Luna.

Nitzer Ebb - Ebbhead
Corey Taylor(from slipknot) - Bother from the spiderman soundtrack
i always knew he had a really good voice when hes not screaming, this just help proves it
Matthew Ryan - Concussion
Todd Snider - Viva Satellite
More Portishead. Beth Gibbons :loveya: :loveya: :loveya:
Air - Moon Safari
Lou Reed - Heroin
Sigur Ros - Staralfur
Ben Harper - Welcome To The Cruel World
Pink Floyd - DSOTM - "Money"
E-town concrete, Life of agony, best of Warrant......I mean, uh, Slayer.
Last Time I commited Suicide soundtrack
great flick, great soundtrack
magnolia's a sing amiee mann at the top of your lungs kinda night.
That's a great soundtrack right up until Supertramp.
Taking Back Sunday - Tell all your Friends
Jon Spencer Blues Explosion - ACME
Quote:That's a great soundtrack right up until Supertramp.

yeah, thats why i always stop it before it gets to that point.
just a bunch of frank zappa I downloaded
Melvins - Hostile Ambient Takeover
What the hell is wrong with Supertramp?
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