Full Version: Listening to anything good?
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Let's see here, I just finished listening to "I'm Black Ya'll" from the CB4 movie, before that i was listening to a funny ska cover of Ghostbusters and 45 minutes ago i was listening to The Starting Line cover of "I'm Real" originally done by J-Lo and Ja Rule.Confusedneak:

Long Live ZIM!!!!!!!!
Clutch - Elephant Riders
Foo Fighters - Theres Nothing Left To Lose
DryKillLogic- The Darker Side of nonsense
Ben Harper - Welcome to the cruel world
Has anyone heard the White Stripes album? I really like the song "Fell in Love with a Girl," but I'm a bit weary of buying an album for one song.
finch-grey matter
Thrice - Betrayal is a Symptom
(sleeper is really listening to heartbreaker by mariah carrey)
bah, it wasnt THAT funny.
not for you maybe {Big Grin}
I am listening to the Andrew WK album and though I want to, I can't really say it sucks all that bad. A bit on the hollow side, but a nice 80's throw back.

BTW, is it me, or did this thread seem alot more fun when Spit posted it. Bad Maymay, you rooooooooooooned it!
Ministry - Sphinctour
New York Dolls - Endless Party
Polly I have most of the White Stripe's album on MP3, IM me and i'll send you the tracks.

Howard Stern, March 15th 1996 off the Shoutcast Stern Station
Fiona Apple - Tidal
Patti Smith LAND jumping around my house starting to rearange all of the furniture. Nothing seems to be in the right place.{Big Grin}
Sublime - Santeria.
Quote:BTW, is it me, or did this thread seem alot more fun when Spit posted it
I WIN!!!11 Confusedmokey:

was Kyuss- Wretch
now Karma to Burn - s/t
Brant Bjork - Jalamanta
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