Full Version: what the fuck happened to CRX?
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so, you decided to ignore the whole idea of keeping it informative and semi-serious, and just used the wiki to post smear about people.

good work.
yep, his life is definitely shit still
I resent the "all you people" thing that she did just like everyone else that decided to leave this board because they were offended by only a few specific people. Instead, we're just a giant collective asshole.

I was nothing but nice and supportive throughout the time we knew each other here and out at gatherings. I was certainly not a close friend, but I've never done or said anything that would merit being called an asshole.
hey she has a life now!!! dont talk down to her
Black Lazerus Wrote:
TheGMANN Wrote:I just like how everyone is awful and sucks and is mean the minute someone gets something remotely going in their life.

With friends like these....

You're one to talk

And that means what exactly ?
Look out now.

Sudden plot twist!

Dun dun duuun.
No plot twist.

Laz is just being an asshole again. Nothing out of the ordinary.
hey take this to fight club you two!
Danked Wrote:I resent the "all you people" thing that she did just like everyone else that decided to leave this board because they were offended by only a few specific people. Instead, we're just a giant collective asshole.

I was nothing but nice and supportive throughout the time we knew each other here and out at gatherings. I was certainly not a close friend, but I've never done or said anything that would merit being called an asshole.

You're so sensitive.
I am. She hurt my feelings.
I'll be your friend to fill in the empty spot in your heart now.
I didn't do nothin' but say her pussy stunk but once or twice. How would I know anything 'cept for what crackhitler tells me?
TheGMANN Wrote:
Black Lazerus Wrote:
TheGMANN Wrote:I just like how everyone is awful and sucks and is mean the minute someone gets something remotely going in their life.

With friends like these....

You're one to talk

And that means what exactly ?

you know what it means Mr. you can come to my house anymore
What I wrote was so bad, it can't even be discussed.
Quote:you know what it means Mr. you can come to my house anymore

And that made sense how ?
this reminds of the time i created the gmann vs laz thread and then it sunk and fizzled into obscurity. Fool me twice won't fool me 'gain!
Danked Wrote:I resent the "all you people" thing that she did just like everyone else that decided to leave this board because they were offended by only a few specific people. Instead, we're just a giant collective asshole.

I was nothing but nice and supportive throughout the time we knew each other here and out at gatherings. I was certainly not a close friend, but I've never done or said anything that would merit being called an asshole.

I resent the "all you people" thing as well. I just don't understand the complete 360 on us. What a heel turn.
360 is right back where you came from, buddy!
I mean a 720!
So she's breakdancing now?
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