Full Version: what the fuck happened to CRX?
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So I know why she hates Ken, she spelled that out. But why Gonzo? Moreso, why Goatweed? Did he finally molest her?
Brits are not to be trusted. It's like 1812 all over again.
First DIG left, and now CRX? This place is falling apart!
I can't bear to see Eddie suffer.

I'm just going to bail now.
Yeah, I see no reason to be mad at Goat. I mean, seriously, who the hell ever gets mad at Goatweed, let alone consider him an asshole? The guy's like Santa Claus.
When we were both modded at the same time, I remember thinking "who the fuck is this asshole!? 1200 posts?"
I added her bio, something along the lines of how she broke my heart, the pain still stings, etc - all in joking fashion which, while WAY past having run its course, was an on going gag for what, years? My bio has a fucking Cosby sweater reference that goes back to, I think, the very last time I actually saw her & a few other people here.

Regardless, it was a joke & nothing out of the ordinary - I spoke with her a few weeks ago in a pm and, as I reread it now, it states that she's cool with me so I dunno what happened.

Have an issue with me, that's cool but dont lump everyone else here - what the fuck.
before the spring...
hey she makes 1000 dollars a week, dont curse at her
All those time you guys called me a limey cunt... well, that was out of line!

Good day, gentlemen.
it's your fault hippie asshole face
Quote:Why doesn't everyone just fucking leave me alone. I already told Goatweed, Ken's Pen and Adolf to all go fuck themselves,

from her PM to me Wrote:you don't creep me out, although the bf has read some stuff i think he doesn't find so amusing.

note that the PM was a reply to mine apologizing for, what I was told at the time, creeping her out which apparently wasn;t the case.

regardless, I've always thought she was cool but this is a bit ridiculous of her.
i told her fuck your boyfriend if he can't take a joke and she said ok and she did
I'm having trouble believing this is actually Trish writing this stuff. It's all poorly spelled, worded, rushed, like it was written by someone who has no experience typing on the internet.
according to the wiki, its her.

she could have posted too, not sure what the problem is there either.
Maybe her new boyfriend is trying to break us all up!

Dun dun dunnn.
She more interesting now than she ever was as a poster. I approve!

(oooh that stings i bet!)
Fascinating still
because she hates us all because Ken was going to slap cum in her face. It makes complete sense.
Her boyfriend the cop read some of this stuff and was probably like in that adam sandler tape, "RESPECT! REESPECT! ARRRARRR RESPEEECT".

Civil servant douche
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