Full Version: what the fuck happened to CRX?
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I think she should be on the next podcast to address this situation.
no, she hates us all, because we're all assholes, because ken was going to slap cum in her face. I understand where she's coming from. I mean, Osama bin Laden had the World Trade Center taken down, so now I hate all Muslims and Arabs. It's all aboot taking the hate and spreading it around, like butter.
you can't just say parkay without having the animated parkay tub saying it.
watch me fuckface
I am watching you, fucker, and I don't see no plastic lids coming to life and mouth the word "par-kay"!

Where's the surprise??
Quote:She more interesting now than she ever was as a poster.
its the fucking truth
gotta respect the L M N O's
yeah but you gotta watch your P's and Q's
This thread has done a complete 540
Quote:I already told Goatweed, Ken's Pen and Adolf to all go fuck themselves

I have no clue what the cunt is talking about, she hasn't said shit to me.

p.s: I hate all you scumbags, don't be jealous cause I am happy and have a life now, stop talking about me!!!

p.p.s: Meow
He probably pissed in your food dish.

wow the pussy speaks!!
Leave him alone he's engaged to a waitress who makes seventy bazillion dollars a month.
yeah I guess I've caused enough trouble aready, huh?
Goatweed Wrote:yeah I guess I've caused enough trouble aready, huh?

that's right Gardocki!
some other people might have had a hand in this business too, it seems.
Maybe if you made 900 gazillion dollars a year, you coulda had a chance.
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