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Those fucking faggots banned The Thing, can you believe it? Evidently it's against the rules over there to call ugly fucking chidren ugly.

Well, at least I can come back here where I am welcome and free to be a poorly-behaved disgusting animal. Hoon is a faggot by the way, he allows himself to be bitched, nagged, brow-beaten, and undermined by unattractive housewives with tempers. Holy Cannolli!!!
women over 30 on the internet can never be attractive, I heard its like a rule.
Whoever made up that rule must have spent a lot of time at the Doors Board.
well doors fans in general arent an attractive bunch.
some of them have a PhD, however.
playa hata degree!!!
aint that the troof
I read page one and ten.
i'll need the Cliff Notes, also.
luna: hey heres my new friend

new friend: blah blah blah SOMETHING FUNNY blah blah blah

goat: he seems ok

gonzo: yeah hes cool, now lets change the subject


alkey: I read page 1 and 10
wow, nice job!
his summation of my posts was pretty much a given,
I only care about me.
I have had a few requests from the NBT fans at the fag board to summarize the events leading up to my unjustifed banning, so the rest of you fucks are going to have to either bare with me or ignore. I'm sorry but I owe at least this much to the six or seven non-homosexuals over there.
so you're like a big deal? people gotta summarize shit for you.
I am the straw that stirs the drink at the Doors Board, yes. And I don't mean to bore the disinterested folks with this shit, but my fans over there who are also banned at the moment want to know. Some of the shit went on in PMs too, and I didn't get a chance to forward them, as is my custom, before I was zapped. Just bare with me, it won't be that bad and it will be over soon.
ooh man, you have followers. I am sorry, I didnt realize how big a deal you were.

So will there be more of your minions showing up to tell us your crackie tales?
1) dawn posts a picture of her deformed, undistinguishably human kid that she recently shit out as her avatar. Totally asking for trouble as any normally adjusted adult would realize.
GonzoStyle Wrote:ooh man, you have followers. I am sorry, I didnt realize how big a deal you were.

So will there be more of your minions showing up to tell us your crackie tales?

They probably won't register but they'll be here to observe. This will be over in a couple of minutes, just roll with it please.
I don't get why people get upset when someone calls them out on "personal" shit. Once you made it a public affair, its open for any and all pot shots. The person may be an asshole for doing so in some cases but if you're gonna get pissed about it, then dont fuckin share your personal shit on the internet.

Not all kids are cute, actually most kids are very fuckin ugly, truth.
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