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wow, hoon pulled the ultime pussy boy move.

my heart is breaking
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Next Best Thing Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:I wanna see a pic of this kid.

I knew you'd warm up to this. I should have captued a picture of the deformed freak, my bad. You live & you learn.

well did she delete the pics? get one of your peons to go over there and copy it.

for a big deal, you sure dont know the game, as soon as you see anything remotely incriminating or source of ridicule you save that bitch asap.

At last glance she deleted the evidence.

I don't pretend to be a message-board addict or to know all the computer-geek moves, I'm simply a topnotch conversationalist and a chick-magnet on that particular board.
8) NBT announces, on the thread, that he doesn't give a fuck what Hoon does or says. This was preceded by a PM exchange between NBT & Hoon which was only mildly contentious, but at that point I didn't realize he had recently had his testicles removed & was in fact a woman.
its not even message board shit, if you're at work and she something like that in someones files, you print a copy.

you see strange shit while sifting through your buddies medicine cabinet you snap a pic.

maybe the baby isnt ugly, how the fuck am I supposed to know? What do I gotta believe you, I dont even know you.

Plus I heard you were pretty hideous and stalk bitches on message boards, I didnt believe it because there is no proof presented to me. But after your chick-magnet line, I gotta start taking it as truth.
9) Hoon posts a cry me a fucking river message about how no one, NO ONE, calls out the Mods on the fag board, and makes a general announcement that The Thing is getting 30 days in the cooler. dot comes on & makes a characteristically inane post about The Thing being a troublemaker and treating everyone there like they're stupid, which is true, and locks the thread. While all this shit is going on, NBT is continuing with his PM exchanges with the few lovely young ladies on the board, enjoying himself as always.
his current claim is you told him to eat shit.
10) Everything goes black for NBT at the fag board.
Ken'sPen Wrote:his current claim is you told him to eat shit.

The whole thing is on the board, in black and white. Hoon has no balls, ZERO, and he knows it. I would be more than happy to entertain his revisionist history bullshit right here if he wants.
I notice you skipped over the ugly stalker comment, so i'll take it as fact now.
And that's the whole sad song, folks.

Sorry for the interruption.

Any of you fag board females who I'm not already exchanging email with that would like to experience more of NBT, shoot me a quick PM, darlings.
GonzoStyle Wrote:I notice you skipped over the ugly stalker comment, so i'll take it as fact now.

I have to admit I'm a little surprised to hear you chirping the fag board line, dude.

NBT is at least average looking, and only a borderline stalker.
You know what I love with my coffee, a dash of cinammon, cinammon trully makes life better.
I started a thread asking hoon about it,
so far I have gotten a lot of,
"if you don't like it leave" stuff.
Next Best Thing Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:I notice you skipped over the ugly stalker comment, so i'll take it as fact now.

I have to admit I'm a little surprised to hear you chirping the fag board line, dude.

NBT is at least average looking, and only a borderline stalker.

actually I heard it from someone not from the fag board, I dont know them motherfuckers.
Ken'sPen Wrote:I started a thread asking hoon about it,
so far I have gotten a lot of,
"if you don't like it leave" stuff.

Told you.

No balls.

ZERO. Sad really.
Ken'sPen Wrote:I started a thread asking hoon about it,
so far I have gotten a lot of,
"if you don't like it leave" stuff.

oh man, I may have to drop him as a myspace friend now.
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Next Best Thing Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:I notice you skipped over the ugly stalker comment, so i'll take it as fact now.

I have to admit I'm a little surprised to hear you chirping the fag board line, dude.

NBT is at least average looking, and only a borderline stalker.

actually I heard it from someone not from the fag board, I dont know them motherfuckers.

I didn't say it couldn't simply be a coincidence, dude.

I've said my peace on this, by the way, unless there are any questions I'm willing to move on.
I like tacos
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Ken'sPen Wrote:I started a thread asking hoon about it,
so far I have gotten a lot of,
"if you don't like it leave" stuff.

oh man, I may have to drop him as a myspace friend now.

In the fag board universe, that's a felony.
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