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how much will a diaper pic cost?
Goatweed Wrote:how much will a diaper pic cost?
Luna Wrote:
Goatweed Wrote:how much will a diaper pic cost?

damn, too rich for my blood.
I'd be willing to pay $15 for any naked pictures of dot that she may have sent Luna when she was shitfaced. I have this problem with bears knocking over my fucking garbage cans and I need something to scare them away.
Next Best Thing Wrote:I'd be willing to pay $15 for any naked pictures of dot that she may have sent Luna when she was shitfaced. I have this problem with bears knocking over my fucking garbage cans and I need something to scare them away.
Now, I just threw up in my mouth a little....

Luna Wrote:
Next Best Thing Wrote:I'd be willing to pay $15 for any naked pictures of dot that she may have sent Luna when she was shitfaced. I have this problem with bears knocking over my fucking garbage cans and I need something to scare them away.
Now, I just threw up in my mouth a little....


It's for a worthwhile cause.
I remember dot, she was a cunt.
Next Best Thing Wrote:
Luna Wrote:
Next Best Thing Wrote:
Luna Wrote:I could have been saved for $.75 a day... the price of a cup of freeze-dried coffee!

What do you get for the 75 cents?
a picture of me with flies buzzing around my famished butt, that's what you get.

What do I get for a dollar?

a pic of luna from the CDIH basketball tournament.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Next Best Thing Wrote:
Luna Wrote:
Next Best Thing Wrote:
Luna Wrote:I could have been saved for $.75 a day... the price of a cup of freeze-dried coffee!

What do you get for the 75 cents?
a picture of me with flies buzzing around my famished butt, that's what you get.

What do I get for a dollar?

a pic of luna from the CDIH basketball tournament.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>
I'm hot, right?!?!
you're always gonna be on my team, cause no one had the balls to guard you.
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