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My skin is still sizzling!!! Seriously i'm scared now cause the flesh on my hand it starting to bubble....
is it bubbly or clumpy?

cause I have an alternate theory of what may have happened.
it's peeling off, fuck your theories!!
On this Day Gonzo became apeeling.
shecky green over here.
Shecky Green Is People
In the catskills
trust me,
someone will laugh at that line.......
OAS isnt around so the "old jew" quota is lacking.
some MST3000 type will love a good Solyent Green joke.
I never saw solyent green, so even I didnt get it.
Solyent Geen is PEOPLE!!!!

nobody our age has seen it,
but you're expected to know that scene,
well i'm used to old people using the line "he's people".

sorry, but its still not funny. You shoulda held out for a Moe Green reference before you used it.
Shecky Green is made from mushed up old Kikes,
and I'm stickin' with it,

better than jerk store.
are you fuckin kidding me?

jerk store is the best.
so NBT is MIA, huh?
he's out stalking e-bitches
I think he said he's been cut back to mostly Fri and Sat.
he keeps the sabbath holy.
his wife really keeps him offline? for real?
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