Full Version: the Doors board is no more
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as if it started well
Watch it Goinzo, he's setting you up for the punchline[/quote]
can't wait for the knee slapping zinger he's sure to deliver!
Wait wait...

Let me save you the time.

Goinzo, you are a pasty geek bitch with no life and you need to disconnect from the internet because it obviously has warped you into an angry person who projects himself onto others.

That about cover it?
yeah he's going to call me a geeky friendless virgin

of course im supposed to be stung by that from someone who conisders upload a picture to be something only nasa can accomplish.
If you get in the last word, does that mean you win?
Next Best Thing Wrote:If you get in the last word, does that mean you win?

where is the zinger?
Next Best Thing Wrote:If you get in the last word, does that mean you win?

you've said goodnight several times already, so you tell me.

plus how does one get the last word on a message board?

someone can post in this thread a year from now.
you lost before this thread even started
I think that was it.
Keyser Soze Wrote:you lost before this thread even started

we all lost the moment hoon flexed his e-muscles and got their little garden shut down.
GonzoStyle Wrote:where is the zinger?

I'm going to come back in a couple of days, I am positive you'll be here plastering the board with your gems. We can pick this back up then, for now I'm going to use the PM function. See you soon, Goinz.
There it is again.

It gets funnier each time.


yeah you said you were leaving 3 pages ago and you used the same "im going to PM's now" gag.

Was the zinger that I post a lot here? Cause thats sizzling shit, fresh stuff.
i'm with hedcold. i can't look at "goinzo" one more time.
gonzo, you should just stop now before you embarrass yourself any further. you are clearly his bitch.
it's brilliant stuff, the garden used to loff and loff at zingers like that.

I bet he used to call Dot, Doit, HAHa!
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