Full Version: the Doors board is no more
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it'd make you talented, not gay
but what if it turns you on to sucking dicks
faceman802 Wrote:but what if it turns you on to sucking dicks

Gonzo would know
thats clever, amazing you didn't post it 3 times in your excitement
see, you don't have to be crude or vulgar to be funny
huh? I wasn't the one talking about dicks, sucking and cadberry eggs getting me hot
youre also the one not being funny
does one always have to be funny on this board?
you've proven that no, one doesnt always have to be, occasionally would be nice though
faceman802 Wrote:see, you don't have to be crude or vulgar to be funny

Very true.
Now that we're all in agreement, someone be funny!
Abster Wrote:We know that any guy that could suck his own dick would never leave the house. I was asking her!


yeah but she was quoting the great Harrey Carey, stick to the alphabet.
Did all these dolts come from the Doors board?
maybe we need some Boric Acid
Cadbury Eggs are way overrated.
So is the doors board.
wouldn't it need to be rated at all before it could be overrated?
oooh burrrrnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnz
but they have more traffic than we do
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