Full Version: the Doors board is no more
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do you accept DIG as your lord and savior?
GonzoStyle Wrote:yeah the topic was you brought up the subject, then I owned you and now you wanna "move on" as if I started this whole conversation.

There is nothing to move on to cause no one cares that the off topic was taken down, shoulda never fucked with Hoon.

No way!! They musta made 'em a mod in order to get a excuse to close down!!!! They're so clever.
Great. Here comes more fat chicks.
Didn't they have some cute euro chick? She should be legal now.
Fast & cheap is not Euro.
She's a fe-jew with strenght and girth that matches Godzilla.
so much drama
Quote:It's shut down because you idiots wouldn't leave him alone over it.

So you admit you had nothing to do with it....Your Witness!
I never said I did
you said you were going to talk to this dot person about closing it down, it's closed, people assume it had something to do with you, you will have to accept that
I never got the deal with people complaining about certain things, like shutting down the forums, who cares? The board is still there, some people just love to complain and nothing else. So if they are idiots, let them be idiots, mock them, hate them but deleting their forums, so gay.

Its the same everywhere, here its complaints when there are too many posts and complainst when theres none.

No one is every happy anywhere.
Gonzo, you're jewish.
I have a jew question for you.

Do you have barmitzfah's [sp?] for boys AND girls?
I ask because I thought ti was only held for boys but I'm not jewish so..
I ask because my wife works for an eye doctor who is supposedly a woman but my bride swears its a man in drag.

Today, the doctor let it slip about "her" bahmitzfah.

Do they have these for girls to and if so, does it go by a different name?
Hoon Wrote:Gonzo, you're jewish.
I have a jew question for you.

Do you have barmitzfah's [sp?] for boys AND girls?
I ask because I thought ti was only held for boys but I'm not jewish so..
I ask because my wife works for an eye doctor who is supposedly a woman but my bride swears its a man in drag.

Today, the doctor let it slip about "her" bahmitzfah.

Do they have these for girls to and if so, does it go by a different name?

boys have a BaRmitzvah at 13 when they become men (aka when they can cum)

girls have a BaTmitzvah at 12 when they become women (aka when uncle moishe has to start pulling out)
faceman802 Wrote:you said you were going to talk to this dot person about closing it down, it's closed, people assume it had something to do with you, you will have to accept that
It's called suggestive rationale.
I will let them think that but it is not the case.

However, I did warn them thorohgly that their actions would result in the board being shut down. You have to understand, doors managment doesn't give a sweet shit about what is said on their boards. They onyl care when they're bothered.

Now, it's funny to see those same assholes who pm'ed doors managment and complained about the mods not treating them fairly and stroking their pussies, complain because doors managment shut the board down so they didn't have to listen to it. They don't give a fuck how mods treat folks.
They just don't want to be bothered.
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Hoon Wrote:Gonzo, you're jewish.
I have a jew question for you.

Do you have barmitzfah's [sp?] for boys AND girls?
I ask because I thought ti was only held for boys but I'm not jewish so..
I ask because my wife works for an eye doctor who is supposedly a woman but my bride swears its a man in drag.

Today, the doctor let it slip about "her" bahmitzfah.

Do they have these for girls to and if so, does it go by a different name?

boys have a BaRmitzvah at 13 when they become men (aka when they can cum)

girls have a BaTmitzvah at 12 when they become women (aka when uncle moishe has to start pulling out)
fuck. so "her" true original sexual make up remains a mystery.
this is starting to become an obsession. it's like an episode of SNL's "Pat"
Hoon Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Hoon Wrote:Gonzo, you're jewish.
I have a jew question for you.

Do you have barmitzfah's [sp?] for boys AND girls?
I ask because I thought ti was only held for boys but I'm not jewish so..
I ask because my wife works for an eye doctor who is supposedly a woman but my bride swears its a man in drag.

Today, the doctor let it slip about "her" bahmitzfah.

Do they have these for girls to and if so, does it go by a different name?

boys have a BaRmitzvah at 13 when they become men (aka when they can cum)

girls have a BaTmitzvah at 12 when they become women (aka when uncle moishe has to start pulling out)
fuck. so "her" true original sexual make up remains a mystery.
this is starting to become an obsession. it's like an episode of SNL's "Pat"

well it's a subtle difference, bar and bat.

but next time have her ask, so how old were you when you had your barmitzvah?

if it says 12, then its a girl

if it says 12, then its a boy.

with your luck it will actually say, well boys have it at.... and explain it without a definitive answer.

or an easier way would be to ask

"you know I always confused the two, you had a baRmitzvah or baTmitzvah, i forget which is which"

but then again, same type of answer could follow

worth a shot
GonzoStyle Wrote:I never got the deal with people complaining about certain things, like shutting down the forums, who cares? The board is still there, some people just love to complain and nothing else. So if they are idiots, let them be idiots, mock them, hate them but deleting their forums, so gay.

Its the same everywhere, here its complaints when there are too many posts and complainst when theres none.

No one is every happy anywhere.
This is exactly my point.
This is why I never went out of my way to listen to, much less try to make incessent complainers feel important. I brushed them off and told them to grow a pair.

This is why I was labeled as being "sick with power".
I use my mod button one time and did what "the complainers wanted" and it still did no good. They still complained.

That is why I am holding steadfast to my postion that they can litterally go fuck themselves.
Hoon Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:I never got the deal with people complaining about certain things, like shutting down the forums, who cares? The board is still there, some people just love to complain and nothing else. So if they are idiots, let them be idiots, mock them, hate them but deleting their forums, so gay.

Its the same everywhere, here its complaints when there are too many posts and complainst when theres none.

No one is every happy anywhere.
This is exactly my point.
This is why I never went out of my way to listen to, much less try to make incessent complainers feel important. I brushed them off and told them to grow a pair.

This is why I was labeled as being "sick with power".
I use my mod button one time and did what "the complainers wanted" and it still did no good. They still complained.

That is why I am holding steadfast to my postion that they can litterally go fuck themselves.

I'm actually with you, mr. vichy france.

let the animals tear themselves apart.
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Hoon Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Hoon Wrote:Gonzo, you're jewish.
I have a jew question for you.

Do you have barmitzfah's [sp?] for boys AND girls?
I ask because I thought ti was only held for boys but I'm not jewish so..
I ask because my wife works for an eye doctor who is supposedly a woman but my bride swears its a man in drag.

Today, the doctor let it slip about "her" bahmitzfah.

Do they have these for girls to and if so, does it go by a different name?

boys have a BaRmitzvah at 13 when they become men (aka when they can cum)

girls have a BaTmitzvah at 12 when they become women (aka when uncle moishe has to start pulling out)
fuck. so "her" true original sexual make up remains a mystery.
this is starting to become an obsession. it's like an episode of SNL's "Pat"

well it's a subtle difference, bar and bat.

but next time have her ask, so how old were you when you had your barmitzvah?

if it says 12, then its a girl

if it says 12, then its a boy.

with your luck it will actually say, well boys have it at.... and explain it without a definitive answer.

or an easier way would be to ask

"you know I always confused the two, you had a baRmitzvah or baTmitzvah, i forget which is which"

but then again, same type of answer could follow

worth a shot
that is genius.
it plays on the notion that white christians are ignorant of any religion but their own and paves the path to eventual truth.

you've done it again, Wiz.
well its true, most goyims have no clue about jewish traditions and vice versa cause each one views the others religion with the same validity as wiccas and warlocks.
it's true.
i mean, i didn't know muslims ate clown genitals on their holy day, kwanza, until one of my afro-american friends told me.
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