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Would you rather suck a cock that tasted like butterscotch or bison?
Abby's sense of taste was lost two years ago when she fell off the horse ride stationed outside the local wal-mart and hit her head.
when did she lose her cunt?
Hoon Wrote:Abby's sense of taste was lost two years ago when she fell off the horse ride stationed outside the local wal-mart and hit her head.

Ohhhh, funny man!!! If you close your eyes canyou hear me yelling AGAIN, AGAIN? Theiving bastard!
it was gold and too good to remain accessible to a limited audience.

Now shut up, draw a picture on your boobs and show it to us.
Gonzo tell him, please...
I peed on one of those horsey rides once, I was a little drinky dooed
I'm surprised somebody gave you a quarter to ride it.
If you're cool, you can kick it in the neck and ride it for free.
Abster Wrote:Gonzo tell him, please...

sorry toots, bros before ho's!
I hope Hoon did that. it would freak him out thinking he had piss on his shoe
but it's my piss, he'd never clean his shoe again
Maybe with his tongue
That he has a tongue? totally
This could create a hwole new porn genre.
we should try it
God, I just had the sexiest image of me flopping a crippled woman over the horsey ride, loading it with quarters and letting the kinetic energy of the ride do all the work while I just stood there and made sexy faces.
I'm adding that to my list!!!
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