Full Version: Band everyone loves that you hate?
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Mine is the Beatles, cause:

1) I can't stand Paul McCartney/John Lennon's voice, and vocals are important to me.
2) You can't go 2 days without seeing a stupid Beatles special anthology
3) Every top band list is required to have them at #1, hence the overrated part. I don't care if they were the first to do shit, other bands clearly improved on them.
4) Some of their lyrics are just dumb, and people say they are genius, but if O-Town wrote those lyrics, you would bash them unmercifully. Blah blah I wanna hold your hand. Yea, Brilliant.
5) See #1
The are consistently #1 because they were the best. Everyone has improved on Edison's invention of electricity it doesn't make him any less brilliant.

Mine is Nirvana.

1. They suck
2. Their music sucks
3. Their lead singer sucked.
4. They whined
linkin park
i'll admit i liked them at first, but now its just annoying and lame and i want to hit people with chairs whenever someone mentions them

and incubus. as their music gets softer they get more popular, and they keep making it softer

Edited By HedCold on May 15 2002 at 03:10
Quote:2) You can't go 2 days without seeing a stupid Beatles special anthology
i don't remember the last time i saw that. they're more important because of the way they affected popular music as a whole, as are nirvana. not to say that there isn't sheer brilliance in much of their music and/or lyrics.

on a side note, sleeper
Quote:vocals are important to me
perhaps you should be looking into poetry and literature rather than music. definition of music: The art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous, unified, and evocative composition, as through melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre. lyrics are not music, they are words.

and on a final note creedcreedcreedcreedcreedcreedcreedcreedcreedcreedcreedcreedcreedcreedcreedcreedcreedcreed

need i mention at this point that i have taken over crack's computer and none of the views stated herein belong to him, although i'm inclined to believe he might agree with me.
i was going to mention creed but i figured most people on this board hate them anyway.
well, let's just hope so
Stinkin Pork
Andrew WK
JANE'S ADDICTION (and everything else Perrell has touched) he grates my nerves
:-( :disappointed:

Linkin Park

They're really the only two I can think of now. I don't listen to much, if any music radio. If I'm not listening to talk radio, I have cd's playing, so I don't HAVE to listen to the music everyone else likes and I hate.
Smashing Pumkins
Bon Jovi
Rush (although that might not be everyone)
Iron Maiden

That's kind of a weird list, now that I look at it :crackhead:
I'm sick of Dave Matthews, I used to dig him and yes they are very talented musicians but the music is just a little too adult contemporary for me.

I hate some of the bands and songs we cover like Lit (own worst enemy) and SR71 (right now). They might as well be the same band. I want to replace them immediately.
Quote:I hate some of the bands and songs we cover like Lit (own worst enemy) and SR71 (right now). They might as well be the same band. I want to replace them immediately.
Then why play their songs?
Because its what people want to hear and i'm not in a position to take some kind of self-rightous, pretentious musical stand. We're building contacts, getting our foot in the door at bars. Once we have that, then i'll be dictating that we play more music that I want to hear.
Point taken. I guess it all depends on what you want to do with the band, and where you want to take it.

My mentality is more of a punk rock, do what you want and fuck everyone who doesn't like it because you like it and theres bound to be someone else who does as well. But then again, that doesn't book clubs, or sell records.

But that is getting into a whole other discussion on the philosophy of music and your musical "morals" and shit. A little too deep for a thread about shitty bands like Creed and SR71.
All of you that hate Rush, I have to ask if you've listened to their really early stuff? I don't care much for their new albums, but, 2112, Caress Of Steel, and Farewell to Kings, are great rock records. The stuff they've done after that is really great songwriting, and some of the stuff is in fact musically genius, but I'm not into it.

Here's one for you, and I'm SURE I'm gonna get ripped for it. KISS.
I don't get it. :clueless: Sure, they have a few great songs, but overall, they just do nothing for me.
Quote:Rush (although that might not be everyone)

I had a good friend in high school that ONLY played this day, I can't stand them, but I think it's more because of the saturation of their music I had to endure.

Any teeny-bop boy band
Brtiney Spears
Celine Dion

I'll think of more later...
Quote:But that is getting into a whole other discussion on the philosophy of music and your musical "morals" and shit. A little too deep for a thread about shitty bands like Creed and SR71.
Start a new one. I'd like to read that.

Quote:All of you that hate Rush, I have to ask if you've listened to their really early stuff?
It's the high pitched squealing of his voice. Same with Iron Maiden, and any of the so called "Pussy Rock" bands. The music starts off lovely. Good sound, heavy, just beautiful....... then they open their mouth and it is a whiney, squeaky, girl pitched voice. Confuseduicide: :Confusedhudder::
Yeah, Iron Maiden is another hit or miss band for me. They had a couple of great albums, but as for their entire body of work, it's just ok.
Dixy Chicks...... some songs are funny, but their whole cheery persona turns me off.
Quote:perhaps you should be looking into poetry and literature rather than music. definition of music: The art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous, unified, and evocative composition, as through melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre. lyrics are not music, they are words.
You misunderstand me. I am talking more about the singer's voice than the actual lyrics. Lyrics are actually not very important to me. If the lyrics are good, than its a bonus, but I like a lot of songs where I don't understnad what the fuck the singer is singing about.
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