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pssssssst....hedcold.......not to worry.......i'm not holding my breath.

anyway, in case you guys didn't know it, it is a pain in the ass moving.

i won't go into all of the details that the process entails.

and in response to sleeper's comment about taking an hour of my day to rip and burn my cds.........sure no fucking problem.....i'll just ignore my 11 month old daughter because i gotta burn a disc....and as for you hedcold, you never even requested my mailing info. i got maynard's and arpi's info and i intend on getting it done.

granted it's gonna be late but i will hold up my end of the bargain.
sheesh. way to get all snippy about it
Quote:and in response to sleeper's comment about taking an hour of my day to rip and burn my cds.........sure no fucking problem.....i'll just ignore my 11 month old daughter because i gotta burn a disc
LOL!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: LOLOL
Quote:and in response to sleeper's comment about taking an hour of my day to rip and burn my cds.........sure no fucking problem.....i'll just ignore my 11 month old daughter because i gotta burn a disc....

Whatever, LoZoMoFolina1
polly and lz have really good taste in music. these cd's rock!!!
I owe Arpi and Kindred a CD, I'm getting a new computer by the end of the week and hopefully will be able to make one...sowwy!
hey polly and lz,
its september 23rd, if you werent going to send a CD why bother signing up? is this the part where you get indignant now because i called you out on this? keep your cd if it is such a burden to make one. there, i have let you both off the hook. now you can save your excuses for something more important

Edited By Arpikarhu on Sep. 23 2002 at 5:43
keep your pants on arpi. it's on it's way.
if a CD you made shows up in the next 48 hours by mail, i will leave this board and never return again. that is my solemn oath! thats how sure i am that you havent even burned one yet.
ok, what if it's postmarked on the 25th?
nope. you said "it's on its way"
send it!!!! send it now!! the cost of overnight delivery is worth it!!!!!! hurry
LZ, I'll pay for the Fed-Ex.
arpi, keep in mind that some of the tunes that i enjoy might possibly give you an aneurysm.

i'm burning it right now.
Quote:i'm burning it right now.
you said "it's on its way". more lies
in theory
dont bother. we all agreed on the 15th. i have responsibilities but i got mine out on time. save your strength
i do recall asking you what type of music you enjoy......
i also recall your requesting that i try not to send you the heavy shit that i like.

so with that in mind i have been looking for certain songs that are done by groups that i like that are covers of some of the stuff that you enjoy. granted i'll toss in some of my favs but you won't be utterly revolted by the mix that i'm concocting for you.

i haven't received either of my 2 cds but i have yet to register a complaint.
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