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This is all Spitfire's fault :-o
Quote:i haven't received either of my 2 cds but i have yet to register a complaint.

but i have spoken to Keyser & Hybrid and they are both aware of the situation... and both told me there was no rush in me sending them out... Hell, Hybrid actually told me to wait a couple more weeks until he's settled in at school...
all poor excuses. you agreed to participate and agreed conditions. anything else is poor time managment and lame
Quote:i have responsibilities but i got mine out on time.
Obviously you're a far better human being than I am. I bow to you :bow:
Quote:Obviously you're a far better human being than I am. I bow to you
this is my favorite part. when people mess up, and then they get indignant rather than just accept that they screwed up.
Maybe if you weren't being such a cocksucker about the whole thing she wouldn't be indignant.
You know what? No money was exchanged, its not like any of us who haven't got out CDs out on time ripped anyone off, things happen that keep people from doing things....I don't think anyone owes anyone an explanation for their reasons either....
who the fuck asked you , you cowardly piece of shit! i have just been telling them to forget it and not send them. i feel that if you agree to participate in something then you should follow through. anything else is lame. they should admit they failed and move on rather than get indignant.
whiney bitch
Coward? Take a look in the mirror bitch. How am I a coward? You're just crying because I posted that IM. How is that cowardly?

You're the coward that backed out of going to your bar bet fuckin thing. Not me.
just forget it, this is stupid. i sent my CD's according to the accepted guidelines, you guys did not and now want to get mad at me for pointing that out. that's fine. i absolve you from having to send CD's. i dont want them. you are free from this obvious burdensome obligation. thank you and have a nice day.
Its amazing how you're trying to use one situation and turn it around to make others look bad and yourself look good. Things happen, people don't pay their bills on time, they don't show up on time, people who say they'll call sometimes don' goes on......

Stay tuned for next week's episode of "arpi learned a new word".
You can too SLASH!

A word a day!
Quote:Stay tuned for next week's episode of "arpi learned a new word".
i am glad you noticed! it's my word-a-day toilet paper! :-D
Quote:Things happen, people don't pay their bills on time, they don't show up on time, people who say they'll call sometimes don't
and that is supposed to excuse them? i dont think its a big deal, i just dont want them anymore and dont think you guys should get indignant and surly about it. make all the excuses you want, you didnt do what you agreed to. getting huffy about it wont change that.

Quote:You're the coward that backed out of going to your bar bet fuckin thing. Not me
you know i was sick and that is the last time i will address that.trying to use that shows what a pussy you truly are maynerd.
Yeah me using that shows I'm a pussy. You calling me a coward for no reason is so manly though.
i forgive you . its in your nature and you cant help it. let us go our different ways and speak no more about tit. toodles!
WE all can only dream of you going your own way.
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