Full Version: CDIH MUSIC EXCHANGE - 1st post - list of who's swapping
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Wiping ahead?
jesus christ you're a fuckin crybaby.
not crying about it, but no matter what i post you are going to see it from the worst angle so fuck it.
dude, it's not like a fuckin organ donation that has to be there in an hour or you die. calm the fuck down, i'm sure if you asked nicely they would have sent it whent they had time. not everyone has as much free time as you do.
then they shouldnt have agreed to participate. i agree its not all that important, i just got tired of the "its on its way", "i am gonna do it today" nonsense. either do it or dont, and dont make excuses.And dont have the temerity to get snippy when you dont hold up your end of the bargain. be an adult and admit you fucked up and move on.
Quote:not crying about it, but no matter what i post you are going to see it from the worst angle so fuck it.

Now THAT sounds all too familiar.


Taco Bell or White Castle last night?
you keep worrying about little shit like this and your brain is going to explode
i had some bad fish so i am learning alot today.

Quote:you keep worrying about little shit like this and your brain is going to explode
not worried, just a strong believer in living up to your obligations and being an adult about it when you fail.
Quote:i just got tired of the "its on its way", "i am gonna do it today" nonsense.

You know what? You and I never had a convo about the CD exchange except for when I PMed you to find out about your musical tastes. I never said when it was coming or even that it was in the burner. I'm also a believer of keeping your obligations, but sometimes you have to prioritize them, and sending a CD to someone just isn't that high on the list when if I did that instead of other things I'd be fucking up things that are far more important than music.
Theres things more important than music??? :-o
Quote:you have to prioritize them, and sending a CD to someone just isn't that high on the list
which i completly understand , but if that was the case, you should not have agreed to participate.
If I had anticpated not being able to send them out on time, I wouldn't have signed up. You can't plan for everything.
so very true. hows the hunger strike going?
Caved in already, eating a salad, no dressing, that's no calories, but lots of vitamins.
Not for nothin', but, I just installed my burner last week, and I can burn 80 minutes of music in probably under 5 minutes.

"It's not that hard to burn cds" - (that was for Sleeper)
what are you, a rabbit? put some dressing on it. yuck
Anybody want to swap minidisc mixes?
the whole thing is moot now cause here we are a week later and still no CD's.
why is this still at the top?
arpi still has some tears to get out
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