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:disappointed: Luna didn't like any of the songs on the mix I sent her :disappointed:
So make ME a copy of the CD you sent her. :bouncer:

Although....I probably already have alot of it. :-p
Quote:Luna didn't like any of the songs on the mix I sent her
That's not true, Spit!!!!! I haven't even listened to both cd's yet. When I hear new stuff I never like it right away anyway. I have to listen to it a few times.

And this is only giving me anxiety because I listen to alot of old stuff and you guys are in your early 20's. :crackhead: You guys are way more up to date with current music than I am.

Now, I really feel old. :-( :disappointed:
Quote:And this is only giving me anxiety because I listen to alot of old stuff and you guys are in your early 20's. You guys are way more up to date with current music than I am.
Why does it have to be current music?

It doesn't. I bet alot of these kids have never heard most Dylan stuff. Or in fact, probably don't listen to anything before 1990. Give it a shot. What's the worst that can happen, they don't like it? No skin off your teeth, right?
Spit, it's going in the mail today. :-)
Okay, I finish the summer semester on Thursday and am going to make CDs for Arpi and Kindred, but I just need someone to help me out and let me know how to get songs from CDs and convert them into MP3s. I know Arpi posted something, but I don't remember. Thanks.
go to get CDex. very small, very easy
I just my sleeper mix, I have half of the songs already Undecided

But Thanks bro, I'll listen to it after I am done with some Method & Redman.

CLS is getting his next time I see him.

Spit's is going out end of the week, 3 cd set of blues and jazz bliss.
ungrateful fuck
I said thanks...

te cyka
bah smirf you
meh, it still works out to like 40 minutes of new music.
i got my sleeper mix today, making me feel so guilty i haven't sent my CDs out. i promise i will send them out this week.

i'm diggin the fuck out of sleepers mix, he's made me a new fan of a few bands including Coheed and Cambria & Killswitch Engage. thanks man!!
Glad you like it man. yea, both of those bands rule. <font color="EEEEEE">

Edited By The Sleeper on Aug. 19 2002 at 11:50
i finished 1 cd for each person. is that enough? should i send 2?
fuck it! i am just doing one cd. my taste in music is so different from everybody elses here anyway. no matter what i send they are gonna hate it. oh well Undecided
i need both of my peoples address for sending. sleeper's cause i dont know if i am supposed to send it your your mom's or your dorm. the other guy cause i dont have it and i just want to get this over with and be done with him.
stop talking to yourself
shit!! i thought nobody was listening
Quote:unfortunatly i have agreed to send out a CD to the person selected for me. in order to fulfill this obligation i need to know where to send your CD. this is not a trick. i just want to complete this transaction and be done with it. you may send any replie to [email]<!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">mailto:[email protected]</a><!-- e -->.[/email]

someday I will try to remember why I liked you,
don't sweat it,
find a happy home for the cd,
I am sure you will find someone to give it to.
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