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Now I want pancakes. :loveya:
I used to work in a day camp where the kids would cry for their nannies instead of their mothers because they never saw them....that's sad.
Quote:Now I want pancakes

chocolate chip? blueberry? fresh strawberries on top? or the extra special ones that are in the shape of the first letter of your name?
I want pancakes that spell out the word *touch*!
I don't want any
I'd settle for some furburger.
Kids are stinky and loud and they want you to buy them things.

Plus, I'm afraid that if I had a kid, it would be a daughter, and she'd be hot, and I'd have to think of my innocent little daughter fingering herself, and drinking semen.
Quote:Plus, I'm afraid that if I had a kid, it would be a daughter, and she'd be hot, and I'd have to think of my innocent little daughter fingering herself, and drinking semen.
Damn, I was about to specify my reasons but you stole my thunder...
More specifically, I don't want to want to bang my daughter. Hot girls are hot. I mean, can you really ignore it even if she's your daughter?

Don't you think that Britney Spears' father doesn't get wood watching her prance around in her underwears? I would be a bad daddy.
Son: "Would you fuck me?"

Dad: "No....I would jerk off instead"

Greatest movie ever.
Quote:Son: "Would you fuck me?"

Dad: "No....I would jerk off instead"

Greatest movie ever.

fuckmeintheassifimwrong, but is that from Happiness?

oh annd you guys are sick. :crackhead:
i flip back and forth on the issue. definitely not right now, but maybe further on down the road. when i get to visit my niece and nephew i enjoy their company, although at 4 months and 20 months, they're pretty easy to get along with. but the whole thought of being pregnant and me being a mother kinda freaks me out, although i think i'm getting to that age where i get broody when i see people with babies...

and, no offense to my hero silera, but i don't think any couple should have more than 2, one per person, that way the population stays constant instead of expanding until we use up all our natural resources...
I'd like to have kids. Two. I have a great relationship with my brother, I'd like to see that repeated. With certain parents, I think it's cruel to have just one child. If I had been alone with my 'rents all these years, I might have tried to off myself. Maybe them in the process.

If I love someone enough to settle down and :crackhead: get married, I'd want to create something from that love. Life is about the best I can do.

Got a womb. Might as well use it. :thumbs-up:
Quote:Got a womb. Might as well use it.

I try and use every one that I find. :thumbs-up:
why had nobody noticed that VG is begging for someone to fuck her? :clueless:
cause that's not at all the case. and i do not need to beg, thankyouverymuch.
If you ever start begging, you know my AIM. :fucking:
"fuckmeifthishasbeendonebefore"... "fuckmeifI'mwrong"...

I'm paraphrasing, but you get the picture.
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